/ PostModernism 後現代主義 / 相關網站 |
Related Links
General Introduction, Major Sites/Gateways & Bibliographies
General Introduction
*Postmodernism (lecture notes created for a course) (Mary Klages, U. Colorado, Boulder)
*Some Poststructuralist Assumptions (John Lye, Brock U.)
Major Sites
*Postmodern Culture
"Postmodern Culture is an electronic journal of interdisciplinary studies. We hope to open the discussion of postmodernism to a wide audience, and to new and different participants. [...] Postmodern Culture can accommodate, and will include, different kinds of writing, from traditional analytical essays and reviews to video scripts and other new literary forms." The site includes the Postmodern Culture MOO, which is no doubt quite postmodern, and an online order form for Essays in Postmodern Culture (New York: Oxford University Press, 1993), which is good old-fashioned self-promotion (or is self-promotion the postmodern condition?). There is a wealth of material here John Unsworth's Description of Postmodern Culture
- Creative Works from PMC
- Pop-Cult Columns from PMC
- PMC Reviews (all)
- PMC-MOO Archives
- PMC's List of Related Readings
- Essays in Postmodern Culture (collected from Postmodern Culture journal) (ed. John Unsworth)
Important Collections of Relevant Links
Postmodern Thought Links from U. Colorado, Denver (Marin Ryder)
PMC: Related Readings: PMC's collection of related web sites, online periodicals and articles.
- Mark/Space Postmodern Library: a bibliography
- An exhaustive bibliography of works by and about Fredric Jameson is available as part of the Wellek Library Lecturer Bibliograpies.
- An exhaustive bibliography of works by and about Lyotard is available as part of the Wellek Library Lecturer Bibliograpies.
Hypertext: Theories and Examples
岐路花園網路文學站:含「非平面印刷」成分的網路文學作品,並以連線方式,推薦其他同類佳作。 《岐路花園》雖非網路文學界首舉,但就文學與網路技術結合的成就而言, 所刊作品具開創新紀元的潛力。目前站上登錄〈抹黑李白〉、〈物質想像〉兩套詩組共十一首詩,各詩組內部有巧妙的連結設計,個別詩作也有相當獨特的表現方式,效果主要是用Java 和Javascript語言寫成。另有極短篇超文本作品〈圍城〉和〈猥褻〉,嘗試開發新型的小說形式。
Collection of Hypertext literature in English and Chinese by 李順興
As We May Think
Individual Theorists
Roland Barthes
- Barthean Codes (David Arnason, U. Manitoba)
- Secondary Literature
Jean Baudrillard
- General Resources
- *Baudrillard/Simulacra - an Introduction; part of a larger project on postmodern theory by Hyoejin Yoon.
- Implosion -- What does it Mean?
- *Baudrillard on the Web (Alan Taylor): a list of links to works about and by Jean Baudrillard
- Project Baudrillard--not a comprehensive introd, but this site has some interesting reflections of some grad. students on a lot of Baudrillard's books.--interesting.
- *S(t)imulacrum(b) (extensive Baudrillard page with annotated bibliography and text selections) (Ben Attias)
- Writings
- America (brief excerpts) (1986) (Industrial Strength Travel)
- Relevant Courses
- "COLLAB-l: CyberWars" ("two seminars being offered at two different geographical sites")
Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari
- General Resources
- Deleuze and Guattari: An Introduction (David Arnason, U. Manitoba)
- The Deleuze & Guattari Page (Spoon Collective; Jon Beasley-Murray & Jim Castonguay) | D & G Links
- Deleuze and Guattari Internet Resources (Jon Beasley-Murray)
- Deleuze & Guattari on the Web (primary and secondary works) (Alan Taylor, U. Texas, Arlington)
- Writings & Interviews
- D+G Bibliography (Lorri Nandrea)
- Gilles Deleuze, "Desire & Pleasure" (1994) (1997 trans. by Melissa McMahon) (Globe E-Journal)
- Charles J. Stivale (Wayne State U.), "Pragmatic/Machinic: Discussion with Felix Guattari (19 March 1985)
- Other Relevant Pages
- Smooth/Striated Cyberspace (assemblage of comments and links relating the web to Deleuze and Guattari's notion of "smooth space")
- Secondary Literature
- Ian Buchahan (U. Tasmania), "Deleuze and Pop Music" (1997) (Australian Humanities Review)
- Vadim Linetski (Hebrew U., Jerusalem), "The Promise of Expression to the 'Inexpressible Childe': Deleuze, Derrida and the Impossibility of Adult's Literature" (1997) (Perforations)
- David N. Rodowick (Cornell U.), Gilles Deleuze's Time-Machine (Chapter One) (1997)
- Charles J. Stivale (Wayne State U.), "Pragmatic/Machinic: Discussion with Felix Guattari (19 March 1985)
Jacques Derrida
- General Resources
- Derrida and Deconstruction (David Arnason, U. Manitoba)
- Glasweb (Peter Krapp, U. California, Santa Barbara)
- Writing in Reserve: Deconstruction on the Net (Derrida page) (Peter Krapp, U. California, Santa Barbara)
- Bibliography of Publications by Derrida (organized by year) (Peter Krapp, U. California, Santa Barbara)
- Bibliography of Derrida Bibliographies (Peter Krapp, U. California, Santa Barbara)
- Foreign Body ("a deconstructive fanzine. Its purpose is to spread, like a virus") (Peter Krapp, U. California, Santa Barbara)
- Writings & Interviews
- Jacques Derrida (selective bibliography) (UC Irvine Critical Theory Resource/Eddie Yeghiayan, U. Calif. Irvine)
- "Architecture New York" (Summary of Impromptu Remarks) (Peter Krapp, U. California, Santa Barbara)
- Applied Derrida (interview with Derrida) (Writing in Reserve)
- Letter to a Japanese Friend (1983) (Peter Krapp, U. California, Santa Barbara)
- Jewish Mystic? (part of an interview with Derrida) (Peter Krapp, U. California, Santa Barbara)
- Elizabeth Weber (U. California, Santa Barbara), "To Experience the Future and Welcome the Monster" (interview with Derrida) (Peter Krapp, U. California, Santa Barbara)
- Secondary Literature
- "Conversation with Geoffrey Bennington" (on the relation between deconstruction and hypertext, the Internet, and information technology) (Seulemonde)
- Kip Canfield (U. Maryland), "The Microstructure of Logocentrism: Sign Models in Derrida and Smolensky" (1993)
- Derrida: "Structure, Sign, and Play in the Discourse of the Human Sciences" (lecture notes created for a course) (Mary Klages, U. Colorado, Boulder)
- Steven Helmling (U. Delaware), "Historicizing Derrida" (1994) (Postmodern Culture)
- Vadim Linetski (Hebrew U., Jerusalem)
- Notes on diffrance (John Lye, Brock U.)
Frederic Jameson
- For Beginners
- Synopsis of "Postmodernism, or The Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism" (Society of Social Research Page, U. Chicago)
- Bibliographies
- An exhaustive bibliography of works by and about Fredric Jameson is available as part of the Wellek Library Lecturer Bibliograpies.
- Frederic Jameson (bibliography) (UC Irvine Critical Theory Resource/Eddie Yeghiayan, U. Calif. Irvine)
Cultural Examples
Essays and Sites on Specific PM Topics