資料彙整   /  理論家  /  Helene  Cixous  海蓮娜.西克蘇  /  作品
The Laugh of Medusa
理論家 Theorists  /  Helene  Cixous  海蓮娜.西克蘇
    Cixous: "The Laugh of Medusa"

1. Why don't you write? (317)

2. women's writing --

individually (writing from the body 320)

a.      Female sexuality is superior to phallic single mindedness
b.      Masculine is inscribed within boundaries
c.      Her libido is cosmic, just as her unconscious, is worldwide
  1. seizing the occasion to speak (321)
  2. from woman and for women --"first music from the first voice of love"; writing in white ink (322);
  3. the Realm of the Gift vs. the Realm of the Proper (property-- appropriate--the fear of castration)
  4. writing (323-24) -- 'work on the difference'
  5. the other bisexuality--multiple, variable and ever changing, consisting as it does of the 'non-exclusion either of the difference or of one sex'.
  6. flying (325)
  7. "heterogeneous" and erogenous
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