/ 概念 / 印度與巴基斯坦 India and Pakistan (1) History |
Related Links
In-Depth Analysis
Authors / Directors
Film, History and Culture
General |
In-Depth Analysis |
Literature |
- Indian Literature from Brown; including information about Authors (Anita Desai, Kamala Das, Chitra Fernando, Anees Jung, Kamala Markandaya, Meera Mehadevanovel, Salman Rushdie, Bibliography ).
- Indian Writers from pugmarks; including introduction to Bharati Mukherjee.
- Books by and about South Asian women from SAWNET; bibliographies and biographies
- Changing Images of Women in South Asian Fiction
- Asian American Writer's Workshop.
- Irene Joshi's bibliography of literature by South Asian women.
- Poems by Pakistani women poets.
- Asian-American Writers Workshop, New York.
- UC Berkeley library's South Asian women's studies bibliography (you may also want to check out their South Asian diaspora web site
- How to find South Asian books abroad, from the SASIALIT page.
- Radhika Gajjala maintains a page of writings by South Asian women
- A comprehensive list of South Asian writers writing in English is maintained by Murali Damodaran.
- Manish Vij's page of South Asian American Literature, with book reviews, links to magazines, and interviews.
- The book review page from Indolink has reviews of recent books by authors of Indian origin, such as Chitra Divakuruni and Salman Rushdie. This page hierarchy also has a section of poetry.
- Books by and about Women of India, from Findians Paradise Book Store.
- Australia's South Asia Resources Database.
Authors / Director |
R. K.Narayan: R. K. Narayan [upenn.edu] --its local mirror site;
R. K. Narayan: A Fan's Adulation --a brief bio and bibliography
Rabindranath Tagore:General Introduction, A Collection of his poetry
Salman Rushdie: An Overview (from Brown)
Michael Ondaatje: Boston University site; Emory University site
Sara Suleri's Meatless Days: an Overview |
Film, History and Culture |
- Links to India information: This page is part of the WWW Virtual Library, including links about Art and Culture, Businesses and Services, Economy, Education and Research, , Elections in India (1996), General Info, Government, History, Humor, Images, Indian Search Engines, Info about the India's total solar eclipse (10/24/95), Internet in India, Languages, Literature, Maps, Movies, Poetry, Religion, etc.
- CyberIndia
- Culture from Welcome to India, which also has other general guides.
- Indian Culture online: from IndoLink
- My India: on its Independence, Religion and Philosophy, & its people.
- the Bangladesh Home Pages
- West BengalHome page
- In-Depth Analysis of Culture and Religion:
- "Ancient India" from "Dr. Silvestri's WWW Ancient World History Resource"
- Caste System in India (and The God of Small Things)
- Divorce in India (and The God of Small Things)
SAWNET Movie Review Page
Mira Nair: including introd. to Salaam, Bombay! (1988)
The Indian Subcontinent: Historical Contexts Overview