資料彙整   /  概念  /  [美]十六世紀:4. 原住民之形象 Exploration, Contact, Settlement: Images of Native Peoples


         Exploration, Contact, Settlement: Images of Native Peoples


1. Dog Dance. Karl Bodmer, ca. 1840. A Mandan (Missouri River) -- plains warrior
2. Keokuk [The Watchful Fox], Chief of the Tribe. George Catlin. 1832 -- A Plains Indian Chief in full regalia
3. Buffalo Hunter. c. 1844. Artist unknown.


Tribal Areas of Native Americans before "contact" with Europeans.

提供者:Dr. Ron Tranquilla


"The Town of Secota" along the Carolina coast. Engraved by
Theodore de Brey after a drawing by John White.1590


Iroquois playing la crosse


Photo of the painting Lacrosse-Playing among the Sioux Indians. Seth Eastman. 1851


North American Indians. Lithograph by George Catlin, 1844.
An Osage (right), Iroquois (center), and woman, tribe unidentified


Yoholo-Micco, a Creek Chief. Charles Bird King, ca. 1840.
Yoholo-Micco was chief of the Creeks in eastern Alabama.
He died in his tribe''s forced emigration to Arkansas

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