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提供者:Gillian Feng, first draft. 12/2/1999

Female Artists and Femininist Issues



Faith Wilding, Flesh Petal, 1970.  Graphite on paper, 30 x 24"
One of the many "cunt" images generated by the Fresno Feminist Art Program
Credit: Norma Broude and Mary D. Garrard. The Power of Feminist Art: The American Movement of the 1970s, History and Impact.  New York: Harry N. Abrams, Inc., 1994.

Judy Chicago, Cunt as Temple, Tomb, Cave or Flower, 1974
Credit: Judy Chicago. Through The Flower.


Georgia O''Keeffe, Red Canna, c. 1923
Jan Garden Castro. The Art & Life of Georgia O''Keeffe.  New York: Crown Trade Paperbacks, 1995.

Georgia O''Keeffe, Black Iris, 1926
Jeffrey Hogrefe. O''Keeffe: The Life of An American Legend. 《美國女畫家歐姬芙》。毛羽譯。台北:方智,1997。

Judy Chicago, "Sappo" place setting from The Dinner Party, 1979
Norma Broude and Mary D. Garrard. The Power of Feminist Art: The American Movement of the 1970s, History and Impact.  New York: Harry N. Abrams, Inc., 1994.

Judy Chicago, The Dinner Party, 1974-79

"White tile floor inscribed in gold with 999 women''s names; triangular table with painted porcelain, sculpted porcelain plates, and needlework; each side 48'' set with thirty-nine place settings, each representing a historic or legendary woman.  Coolaborative work involving over four hundred people."
Credit: Norma Broude and Mary D. Garrard. The Power of Feminist Art: The American Movement of the 1970s, History and Impact.  New York: Harry N. Abrams, Inc., 1994.

Leonardo da Vinci''s The Last Supper, 1495-1498
CGFA maintained by Carol L. Gerten

 Mary Beth Edelson, Some Living American Women Artists/Last Supper, 1971.
Credit: Norma Broude and Mary D. Garrard. The Power of Feminist Art: The American Movement of the 1970s, History and Impact.  New York: Harry N. Abrams, Inc., 1994.

Jean-Aguste-Dominique Ingres'' The Turkish Bath, 1862.   Credit: The Artchive (remote)

Sylvia Sleigh, The Turkish Bath, 1973
Credit: Norma Broude and Mary D. Garrard. The Power of Feminist Art: The American Movement of the 1970s, History and Impact.  New York: Harry N. Abrams, Inc., 1994.

Buy My Apples, from a late-19th century popular French magazine.
Credit: Norma Broude and Mary D. Garrard. The Power of Feminist Art: The American Movement of the 1970s, History and Impact.  New York: Harry N. Abrams, Inc., 1994.

Linda Nochlin, Buy My Bananas, 1972
Credit: Norma Broude and Mary D. Garrard. The Power of Feminist Art: The American Movement of the 1970s, History and Impact.  New York: Harry N. Abrams, Inc., 1994.

Remedios Varo, Born Again, 1960
Whitney Chadwick. Women Artists and the Surrealist Movement.  Thames and Hudson, 1985.

Kay Sage, My Room Has Two Doors, 1939
Whitney Chadwick. Women Artists and the Surrealist Movement.  Thames and Hudson, 1985.

Frida Kahlo, My Birth or Birth, 1932

"Encouraged by Diego Rivera, Frida Kahlo decided to document the major events fo her life in a series of paintings.  This first picture shows the artist''s view of her own birth.  It also points, however, to the miscarriage which she has suffered shortly before.  the head of the mother is covered by a sheet--a reference to the death of her own mother while she was working on the picture."
Andrea Kettenmann. Frida Kahlo.  Koln: Benedikt Taschen, 1993.

Frida Kahlo, The Love Embrace of the Universe, the Earth(Mexico), Myself, Deigo and Senor Xolotl, 1949

"Frida Kahlo frequently adopted a maternal role towards her husband and emphasized that women in general, and "amongst them-I-always want most of all to hold him in their arms like a new-born baby."  The picture contains many elements derived from ancient Mexican mythology: day and night, sun and moon, the earth goddess Cihuacoatl.  the Itzcuintli dog Senor Xolotl, a being in the form of a dog who guards the underworld."
Andrea Kettenmann. Frida Kahlo.  Koln: Benedikt Taschen, 1993.



賴 美華,《女顏》,1995
台北市立美術 館展覽組。《意象與美學:台灣女性藝術展》
(Mind and Spirit--Women''s Art in Taiwan)。1998。

洪 美玲,《尋道#8》
林珮淳主編。 《女/藝/論:台灣女性藝術文化現象》。台北:女書文化,1998。

郭 娟秋,《生命之樹》,1993
林珮淳主編。《女/藝/論:台灣女性藝術 文化現象》。台北:女書文化,1998。

鄭 淑文,《悠哉!悠哉!》,1992

邱 紫媛,《暗夜》,1992
《邱紫媛》。 台北:台灣畫廊,1992

蔡 海如,《湯匙系列2》,1996
林珮淳主編。 《女/藝/論:台灣女性藝術文化現象》。台北:女書文化,1998。

鄭 淑文,《嫁衣》,1991~1992
《鄭淑文》。 台北:雅集藝術中心,1992。

嚴 明惠,《男與女》,1991
台北市立美術 館展覽組。《意象與美學:台灣女性藝術展》
(Mind and Spirit--Women''s Art in Taiwan)。1998。

邱 紫媛,《山谷裡》,1992
《邱紫媛》。 台北:台灣畫廊,1992

胡 碩珍,《胚舞系列---乳汁的聲音I,1995

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