資料彙整   /  概念  /  [美]二十世紀前半:3. 女性角色 The Twentieth Century, First Half: Women''s Role
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The 20th Century American Literature: Women

From Late19th to Early 20th Century Women's Gender Roles

Fashions reveal changing roles

The "S-Bend Look," the extra slim waist achieved by a tight corset.


Compare the gender role implications suggested by the
1920s Flapper style, and the late 19th century S-Bend.



Compare the gender role implications suggested by the 1920s Flapper style (center),
and fashions of the preceding two decades (1900s and 1910s, above).


Women's fashions, 1927

Middle/upper class

Washing and filling basin and pitcher


1920s kitchen equipped with stove in "designer" colors and a washing machine


A lady and her lady's maid


A Men's Club: no women permitted, except the nudes in the lavish paintings

Late 19th and early 20th century women's
work outside the home

A teacher and her pupils

Telephone switchboard operators

The time is the 1930s-40s

What employment gender roles have remained the same? What's new?

Refer to the "Women's Roles" Report slides and Timeline to
observe changes in occupations and careers after WWI


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