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Africa and South Africa: Culture

Cultures: Religion / Music


Cultures: Religion / Music
Besides modern hospitals and churches, the people in South Africa also go to the following two for healing:

1. inyanga (巫醫) --usually men; traditional healers (the principal ones organised in various local professional associations) using a material divination apparatus (usually the widespread system based on four divining tablets making for sixteen basic combinations) and a wide selection of traditional and neo-traditional medicines;

2. sangoma (占卜師) -- usually women; spirit mediums whose distinctive feature vis-a-vis the dingaka is the inclusion of drumming and trance in divination and treatment, and a greater emphasis on ancestral rather than sorcery explanations of disease and other misfortune. (source)

Sangoma is the term for a diviner-priest in the tradition of the Nguni-speaking peoples (Zulu, Ndebele) of Southern Africa.  . . . The sangoma's powers are based on the fact that she/he is the incarnation of an ancestral spirit. Usually this spirit makes his presence known by inflicting on the host a serious disease which cannot be cured by cosmopolitan medicine.  (source)

Preparing for the divination ritual (1) (2)

Preparing for the divination ritual (3): putting chicken bile on the lips.
(image source: Sight Guides 70, 71)

traditional medicine (image source: Sight Guides 74):




     In a society where you could be jailed for owning a politically incorrect painting, serious art was forced underground and blandness ruled in the galleries and theatres. The most striking example of this was the bulldozing of both District Six, a vibrant multicultural area in Cape Town, and Johannesburg's Sophiatown, where internationally famous musicians learned their craft in an area once described as 'a skeleton with a permanent grin'. Groups such as Ladysmith Black Mambazo have managed to bring South Africans sounds to a wide Western audience, both during and after apartheid.  (source)


Races & their parties
14% -- The Dutch immigrants -- known as the Boers or Afrikaners--National Party;  
70% -- Africans -- African National Congress (ANC) and Pan-Africanist Congress
14% -- Colored -- mixed-race people primarily descending from the earliest settlers and the indigenous peoples
2% -- Asian -- e.g. Indian 


Apartheid (a Dutch word for "apartness" ): 5 million whites dominated over 28 million people (of African, Indian, and white ancestry).  The latter possessed only 13 percent of the land, received poorer education, were denied the rights of free speech, assembly, and lawful trial. 

Inequality between Whites and Blacks & Discrepancy in

their Living Standards 
Left -- Suburb of Johanesberg; Right -- Soweto


Two playgrounds: the white's on the left and the black's on the right

a park made by youth during 1985 as part of the 'Operation Cleanup' (a campaign) 
organized by UDF(the United Democratic Front ) affiliates. 


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