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India & Pakistan: History


 History: India & Pakistan


   India  national anthem 
  • Dating back at least 5000 years, civilization in India has been a rich and complicated mix of peoples and religions. Brahminism, Buddhism, Jain, Hinduism all developed here in a series of kingdoms and empires.
  • Illiteracy (% of population age 15+) ......47 
  • Poverty (% of population below national poverty line)...... 37  (source)


  • Pakistan was granted status within the Commonwealth in 1947 and independence in 1956.  
  • Infant mortality (per 1,000 live births)....... 95
  • Illiteracy (% of population age 15+)  ...59 (source)

 image source


India National Anthem                                   譯者:小采   provided by Dr. Pin-chia Feng

Thou art the rulers of the minds of all people,

dispenser of India's destiny.

Thy name rouses the hearts of Punjab, Sind, Gujarat and Maratha,

Of the Dravida and Orissa and Bengal;

It echoes in the hills of the Vindhyas and Himalayas,

mingles in the music of Yamuna and Ganga and is chanted by

the waves of the Indian Sea.

They pray for thy blessings and sing thy praise.

The saving of all people waits in thy hand,

thou dispenser of India's destiny,

Victory, victory, victory to thee.

敬禮祖國(Bande Mataram)











* 錄自民國三十四年四月間的中國週報


 History: India & Pakistan
1774 Warren Hastings of the British India Company became the first governor-general of India.
1857-58  the Mutiny, until then the British were more or less welcome. 
1885 The Indian National Congress Party was set up.  (Under mahatma Gandhi and jawaharlal Nehru, the Congress later led the national independence movement.)

1947 8/14;8/15

Partition into India and Pakistan; 
& Independence
 Gandhi (ref 230)
1948 India achieved sovereignty.
1965 Indo-Pakistani war
1975-1977 Indira Gandhi's Emergency Rule
The Positive (?) Work of the Colonizer: 
  • a univerfied code of law 
  • a single administrative language
  • the world's greatest railroad network

The British, however, did nothing to 
weaken the religious rivalries or caste system.

The Gate of India, the symbol of Bombay, in memory of the arrival of King George V's arrival in 191l.  
p. 57. 




Important Historical Dates
1906--the Muslims formed a separate political organization called the Muslim League.
mid 1940's--Riots occurred between the Hindus and Muslims.

1947 14th August, Independence achieved from Great Britain

1956 29th February, first constitution drafted

---------- 23rd March, proclaimed an Islami Republic

1958 Martial Law imposed by General Ayub Khan

1965 India attacked Pakistan; their war lasted 23 days

1969 Power tranferred to General Yahya Khan

1971 Secession of East Pakistan (Bangladesh)

1971--civil war, which lead to the establishment of East Pakistan as an independent nation called Bangladesh (March 26).

---------- After civil war power transferred to Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto

1973--Pakistan adopted a new Constitution in 1973.  Bhutto became Pakistan's prime minister in the new government. 

March, 1977--Parliamentary elections resulted in a victory for Bhutto's political party.

July, 1977--military officers lead by General Zia removed Bhutto from office.

1977 5th July, martial law imposed by General Zia-ul-Haq

1978--Zia declared himself president.

1979 4th April, Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto executed

 選舉活動,初期推動巴基斯坦分離運動的是「回教同盟 (Muslim League)」,後則有許多政黨參加。由於文盲率太高,所以各政黨各有其符號,作為投票的標記。《世界 風物誌20》 88

1981 Opposition Movement for the Restoration of Democracy formed

1985 Nonparty elections held, amended constitution adopted, martial law lifted

1986 Agitation for free elections launched by Benazir Bhutto

1988 General Zia killed in an air crash

---------- Benazir elected as Prime minister

1989 Pakistan joins Commonwealth

1990 Benazir's government dismissed

----------Nawaz Sharif elected as Prime minister

1991 Privatisation and economic deregulation program launched

1992 Pakistan elected to Security Council, United Nations

1993 Nawaz Sharif (Prime Minister) & Ghulam Ishaq Khan (President) resign

---------- October, Benazir elected as prime minister. Farooq Leghari elected president


恆河沐浴  Bathing in the Ganges River




喀什米爾山谷Kashmir Valley,
(which Rushdie describes at the beginning of Midnight's Children)


  Image Source: 《印度》 (台灣麥克公司大地之美系列,1997)

《Insight Guides: 印度》。  劉淑芬譯。  臺北︰台灣英文雜誌社有限公司。1991.

《國家與人民︰印度》。 郭震唐、聶良知編。  台北︰錦繡,1990.

《世界風物誌20: 印度與南亞諸國》。  郭震唐總編。  台北︰地球,1977.

The World Book Encyclopedia vols 10 & 15.  Chicago: World Book, Inc.  1985.

Parrinder, Geoffrey, ed.  World Religions: From Ancient History to the Present.  New York: Facts on File, 1971.

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