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The Fish in the Stone
作者Author  /  Rita  Dove  麗塔•達夫

The Fish in the Stone

Rita Dove

The fish in the stone
would like to fall
back into the sea.

He is weary
of analysis, the small
predictable truths.
He is weary of waiting
in the open,
his profile stamped
by a white light.

In the ocean the silence
moves and moves

and so much is unncessary!
Patient, he drifts
until the moment comes
to cast his
skeletal blossom.

The fish in the stone
knows to fail is
to do the living
a favor.

He knows why the ant
engineers a ganster's
funeral, garish
and perfectly amber.
He knows why the scientist
in secret delight
strokes the fern's
voluptuous braille.

From Selected Poems, Pantheon Books, c 1993 by Rita Dove. This web site use by agreement with the author. All rights reserved
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