Marxism 馬克斯主義
Ideology: A Brief Guide
Marxism and Ideology
(lecture notes created for a course) (Mary Klages, U. Colorado, Boulder)
Marxist Media Studies
未命名 1
Related Links
General Resources
Cultural Logic: An Electronic Journal of Marxist Theory & Practice
Sean Homer (Centre for Psychotherapeutic Studies, U. Sheffield),
"A Short History of the Marxist Literary Group"
Marxist Media Theory
Marxist Sites on the Web
Marxism and Ideology
(lecture notes created for a course) (Mary Klages, U. Colorado, Boulder)
Prelim Summary Archive
-- some abstracts on sociological theories for further studies.
Marx & Engels
Home Pages:
Marxism Page
(Rick Kuhn, Australian National U.)
The Marx/Engels Archive
(Ken Campbell)
Marx & Engels WWW Library
(archive of online works organized chronologically) (Marx/Engels Archive)
Marx & Engels
The Communist Manifesto
(study guide)
(Paul Brians, Washington State U.)
(vol. 1)
(Marx/Engels Archive)
Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy
(Marx/Engels Archive)
Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844
(Marx/Engels Archive)
The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte
(Marx/Engels Archive)
Grundrisse der Kritick der Politischen ?konomie
(Marx/Engels Archive)
Letters to Arnold Ruge
(Marx/Engels Archive)
On the Jewish Question
(Marx/Engels Archive)
Theses on Feuerbach
(Marx/Engels Archive)
Wage-Labor and Capital
(Marx/Engels Archive)
Outlines of a Critique of Political Economy
(Marx/Engels Archive)
The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State
(Marx/Engels Archive)
Synopsis of
Capital, vol. 1
(Marx/Engels Archive)
Other Socialist/Communist Authors
Anatoly Vasilievich Lunacharsky,
Revolutionary Silhouettes
(Marx/Engels Archive)
Vladimir Ilyich Lenin Online Archive
(Marx/Engels Archive)
Leon Trotsky Online Archive
(Marx/Engels Archive)
Josef Stalin Online Archive
(Marx/Engels Archive)
Mao Tse-Tung Online Archive
(Marx/Engels Archive)
Frankfurt School
Theodor Adorno
Adorno Resources
(Notebook for Contemporary Continental Philosophy)
Walter Benjamin
Benjamin Resources
(Notebook for Contemporary Continental Philosophy)
Secondary Literature
Carina Yervasi
"Pre/Sub/Urban Sprawl: The 19th Century Parisian Passage as 'Failed' Urban Mall" (
Max Horkheimer
Horkheimer Resources
(Notebook for Contemporary Continental Philosophy)
Herbert Marcuse
Marcuse Resources
(Notebook for Contemporary Continental Philosophy)
(See also
Jurgen Habermas
Later-Marxist Critique
Louis Althusser
Synopsis of "Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses"
(Society of Social Research Page, U. Chicago)
C.L.R. James
"The Property" (excerpt from
Black Jacobins
Alvin Gouldner
The Future of Intellectuals and the Rise of the New Class
(Society of Social Research Page, U. Chicago)
Fredric Jameson:
A Bibliography
More Sites on
Immanuel Wallerstein
Synopsis of "The Rise and Future Demise of the Capitalist World System: Concepts for Comparative Analysis"
(Society of Social Research Page, U. Chicago)
Eric Olin Wright
Synopsis of "Class Boundaries and Contradictory Class Locations"
(Society of Social Research Page, U. Chicago)
Social Interaction and Social Structure
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