資料彙整   /   作家  /  Emily  Dickinson  愛蜜麗•狄更森  /  作品
After Great Pain a Formal Feeling Comes
作者Author  /  Emily  Dickinson  愛蜜麗•狄更森

Study Questions

Numbers refer to Poem Numbers 
  341. What kind of "great pain" is implied by the first line? What is the "formal feeling" Dickinson describes? How does the imagery of the poem ("ceremonious, like Tombs"; "Quartz contentment") illustrate this formal feeling? 

What parallels might be drawn between the steps of the final line"Chill," "Stupor," "letting go" 
and the three stanzas of the poem?  

What purpose do the dashes (--) serve in the final stanza? 

How does the metrical structure of each stanza differ? Can you find any purpose in the meter  
of this poem?

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