資料彙整   /   作家  /  Anthony  Hecht  安東尼•亥克  /  作品
The Dover Bitch
作者Author  /  Anthony  Hecht  安東尼•亥克

Study Questions

  1. How would you compare and contrast the speaker of this poem with the speaker of the previous poem?

2. How does the speaker of this poem feel about the ideas that the speaker of "Dover Beach¨ expresses? How do you think the speaker of "Dover Beach¨ would respond to the opinions of this speaker? What do you think of their different points of view?

3. Does your initial opinion of this speaker change by the time you finish the poem?

4. How would you characterize this speaker's view of love and his relationship with the girl? How does that contrast with the ideas about love expressed in "Dover Beach¨?
What views of love and the modern world are presented in this poem?


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