1. Characters: Estragon, Vladmir, Lucky, Pozzo
2. Setting
(A) Time: Evening /Its following Evening
(B) Place: Somewhere in the countryside/ near a tree
a low mound
(C) Props: boot, turnip, carrot, (Estragon/Vladmir)
a rope, a bag, a folding stool, a picnic basket, a great coat, a whip,
a pair of glasses (Lucky/Pozzo)
3. Lines from the play
(A)Estragon: "Nothing to be done." "Nothing we can do about it."
(B)Estragon: "People are bloody ignorant apes."
(C)Vladmir: "We're waiting for Godot."
4. Who is "Godot"?
(A) The "He" person in-between dialogues
(B) Pozzo--Bozzo--Gozzo--Godot (misunderstanding/mistranslation between people)
(C)Vladmir: He is a kind of acquaintance
Estragon:Nothing of the kind, we hardly know him.
Vladmir: True...we don't know him very well... but all the same...
5. Waiting for Godot and its performance
民生報: 2005/10/12 京劇能等到果陀嗎?