資料彙整   /   作家  /  Charles  Wright  查爾斯.萊特  /  作品
作者Author  /  Charles  Wright  查爾斯.萊特


I'm talking about stillness, the hush 
Of a porcelain center bowl, a tear vase, a jug. 

I'm talking about space, which is one-sided, 
Unanswered, and left to dry. 

I'm talking about paint, about shape, about the void 
These objects sentry for, and rise from. 

ilm talking about sin, red drop, white drop, 
Its warp and curve, which is blue. 

I'm talking about bottles, and ruin, 
And what we flash at the darkness, and what for ... 

The poem is from ........... China Trace.(Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data; Wright, Charles, 1935- Manufactured in the United States of America; First edition )
All Rights Reserved. Use with permission by Weslayan University Press, 2002.
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