Envoi(跋詩、書後)是附在一首詩之後的一種獻詞(dedication),原為法國詩中的傳統。在這首跋詩中,Pound不再用詩中他一直使用的四行體,而以英國十七世紀詩人Edmund Waller(1606-1687)的歌謠體名詩"Go, Lovely Rose"為典範,寫了一首歌謠體的詩。在跋詩中,自始至終都暗示著,人的情慾極力抗拒時間的摧毀。此外,並交織著自Chaucer以來英詩中的抒情傳統。但跋詩最重要的功用是針對詩中對Pound批評方面指斥,給了一種反諷性的勝利。換言之,他反轉了I至XII首短詩中的觀點,駁斥了批評家對Pound的浮泛批評,而認為他繼承了英詩中的抒情傳統。[back] |
可與Edmund Waller的"Go, Lovely Rose"的第一行相比較,該詩為愛情抒情詩(love lyric).此外,亦可參照Chaucer長詩Troilus and Criseyde的Envoi首句。[back] |
here: i.e., England who has had a song tradition from Renaissance times一方面將England比喻作情人。Lawes:Henry Lawes(1596-1662),為英國水七世紀著名作曲家,曾將當日英文名詩多首譜成曲,包括Waller的"Go, Lovely Rose"密爾頓亦為其友,曾在一首十四行詩中讚譽Lawes。that song of Lawes: i.e. in the fashion of Waller.因為Envoi本身就是模倣Go, Lovely Rose.寫的,又提到song of Lawes,而Lawes是該詩的譜曲者。[back] |
song:form of song or musicality.
本行為If you only had the form of song之意。[back] |
As you have known the subject matters:[back] |
Then there were (=would be) cause in you (=book) that should make people condone. |
condone:寬恕。[back] |
Even my serious Faults.[back] |
And should build the longevity of her glories, i.e. to prolong the glorious English song tradition.[back] |
Pound自謙他的詩沒有格式(form),因為Form in art gives permanence.如果有,那麼他的詩也可以協助延續英國抒情詩傳統。[back] |
her: England.[back] |
Sheds such treasure in the air: sings; spreads songs in the air.[back] |
Recking: (Poet) feeling concern over.[back] |
Give Life to the moment: preserve the beauty of the moment.[back] |
them: her graces.[back] |
in magic amber laid:laid in magic amber. 置於奇幻的琥珀中。玫塊花為松樹上滴下的松香所覆蓋,再經地殼變化,松香成為琥珀,其中的玫塊仍能保留原來的色澤與美麗。[back] |
Red overwrought with orange:(玫瑰的)紅色上面飾以(琥珀的)橙色。[back] |
all made/One substance and one colour:roses與amber,red與orange全都成為一體,結合成為一種的色彩。[back] |
Braving time:勇敢地面對時間(的摧殘)。[back] |
her: England.[back] |
goes With song upon her lips:sings.發出歌詠的聲音,亦即寫作詩歌。[back] |
sings not out the song: does not actually produce the poem.而沒有產生真正的詩篇。 |
knows: recognizes, 認得出。[back] |
The maker of it: the true poet following the English song tradition. It = song.[back] |
自some other mouth至本首末行,在文法關係上為236行Tell的直接受詞。[back] |
some other mouth: some other country. |
= which may be as fair as hers.
hers: England's.[back] |
in new ages: i.e., when this age of decadence is passed.
gain her worshippers:取代她(指英國)受人崇敬的地位。[back] |
our two dusts: the dusts of Pound and the English song tradition. with Waller's: with Waller's dust.[back] |
Siftings on siftings:(骨灰)一層又一層地落下。
in oblivion:湮沒無聞。在文法關係上,此一片語是接在242行的shall be laid之後,修飾該動詞片語。[back] |
Broken down:摧毀了。[back] |
save: except.[back] |
Pound在最後兩行中表示出他對自己作品的信心:在他屍骨已寒為人遺忘後,一切都已改變,但他詩中的美將永存不朽。他在這首跋詩中,由首至尾都在暗示,積極的情感可以直正對抗時間的摧殘。而最後二行針對全詩中文學批評家對他的批評加以反駁並獲得反諷式的勝利。由此而與前面各首間保持平衡是本跋詩的主要功用。[back] |