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提供者:Kate Liu / 劉紀雯


Jameson on Ideology:

--all ideologies are ''strategies of containment'' which allow society to provide an explanation of itself which suppresses the underlying contradictions of History; it is History itself (the brute reality of economic necessity) which imposes this strategy of repression.  Literary texts work in the same way:  the solutions which they offer are merely symptoms of the suppressions of history.  ...Textual strategies of containment present themselves as formal patterns.
--the function of ideology is to repress ''revolution''.
--political unconscious, absent cause
the text--two removes from reality--the meanings and perceptions produced in the text are a reworking of ideology''s own working of reality.
--not a reflection of  other ideological discourses, but a special production of ideology.

art has a more complex relationship to ideology than law and political theory, which rather more transparently embody the interests of a ruling class.

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