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提供者:Kate Liu / 劉紀雯


Althusser on Ideology:

  • social formation
He criticized Hegel's idea of "totality," according to which the essence of the whole is expressed in all its parts.  A avoids terms such as 'social system' and 'order'--a structure with a center

social formation--a decentered structure; unlike a living organism, this structure has no governing principle, no originating seed, no overall unity.--the levels possess a 'relative autonomy', and are ultimately determined by the economic level only 'in the last instance.'
The social formation is a structure in which the various levels exist in complex relations of inner contradictions and mutual conflict; its contradictions are never simple but 'overdetermined.'  This structure of contradictions may be dominated at any given moment by one or other of the levels, but which level it is is itself ultimately determined by the economic level.

Art and ideology-

  • ideology is a system of representation.
  • ideology has a historical role, part of a process of   overdetermination
  • Praxis is ideological and only science is theoretical.
  • ideology is both lived and imaginary, it is the lived as imaginary
  • ideology:

    a representation of the imaginary relationship of individuals to their real conditions of existence.--helps us make  sense of it, but also mask or represses our real relation to it.
    e.g. ideology of liberal humanism
    Art achieves a 'retreat' (a fictional distance deriving from its formal composition) from the very ideology which feeds it.

    For A, historical change is not the product of developments in the economic base reflected in mechanical fashion by the superstructure...like a dream, a give historical moment is the site of a multiplicity of forces, of which the economic is only determining "in the last instance."

    art and ideology p. 89
    art is not simply a form of ideology
    "art makes us see the ideology from which it is born"
    achieves 'a retreat' from the very ideology which feeds it.


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