資料彙整   /  概念  /  後現代主義主要概念:2.Practice



Practice 理論實踐
  1. Literature & History

  2. Poststructuralism

  3. Postmodern Politics & Postmodern Popular Culture

Text 文本討論與推薦文本

  1. Architecture
  2. Pastiche and Parody
  3. Others
  4. Courses

Annotated Bibliography 參考書目

Practice 理論實踐

1. Literature & History


2. Poststructuralism


3. Postmodern Politics & Postmodern Popular Culture


Text 文本討論與推薦文本

1. Architecture:

Other examples of pastiche and parody
Question: Can we make a clear distinction between the two?

2-1. Pastiche:
Others: "The Baby-sitter"; "Lost in the Funhouse" by John Barth; A Hong Kong Prayer, clips from Hotshot; ?  images--Disneyland and Window on China; music video; computer games; Hercules (Disney's)
 2-2. Parody: 3. Other Interesting Postmodern Texts:

Literature--short stories by Stanley Elkin; John Updike, John Barth, Stephen King's Misery; 平路、張大春、黃凡、林燿德的〈馬桶〉、〈上班族的天空〉

other popular culture--KTV, Taipei store decorations, store signs and names, the TV walls in Taipei


4. Courses:



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