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Canadian Literature and Film

Academic Papers by Local Academics

Asian Canadian and Diaspora Studies
Canadian Literature
 Canadian Films


電影與大眾文化批評Canadian Films and Popular Culture


Alemany-Galway, Mary. A Postmodern Cinema: The Voice of the Other in Canadian Film. Lanham, Maryland: Scarecrow Press Inc., 2002.

Allan, Blaine. "Canada's Sweethearts, or Our American Cousins." Canadian Journal of Film Studies 2.2-3 (1993): 67-80. 

Arroyo, Jose. "Bordwell Considered: Cognitivism, Colonialism and Canadian Cinematic Culture." CineAction! Spring 1992: 74-88. 

Baldassarre, Angela. Reel Canadians: Interviews from the Canadian Film World. Toronto; Buffalo: Guernica, 2003.

Barry Grant, ed. Canadian Cinema II. Post Script 18 (Winter/Spring 1999).
Canadian Cinema. Post Script 15: 1 (Fall 1995).

Bor, Aaron. "Canadian Feature Film: A Ward of the State." The Journal of American and Canadian Studies (1989): 115-131. Clanfield, David. Canadian Films. Toronto: Oxford UP, 1987. 

Elder, R. Bruce. Image and Identity: Reflections on Canadian Film and Culture. Waterloo, Ontario: Wilfred Laurier UP, 1989. 

Essays on Canadian Writings 76 Spring 2002 Special Issue: LITERATURES - CINEMAS – CULTURES

Flaherty, David H. and Frank E. Manning, eds. The Beaver Bites Back?: American Popular Culture in Canada. Montreal & Kingston: McGill-Queen*s UP, 1993. 

Forsyth, Scott. "Grierson and Canadian Nationalism." (Rev. of The Colonized Eye: Rethinking the Grierson Legend, by Joyce Nelson. Toronto: Between the Lines, 1988). CineAction! Spring 1989: 76-79. 

Gittings, Christopher E. Canadian National Cinema: Ideology, Difference and Representation. London and New York: Routledge, 2002.

Harcourt, Peter. "The Canadian Nation--An Unfinished Text." Canadian Journal of Film Studies 2.2-3 (1993): 5-26. 

---. Movies and Mythologies: Towards a National Cinema. Toronto: CBC, 1977. (Rhonda) 

Jacqueline Levitin, Judith Plessis and Valerie Raoul, eds*. Women Filmmakers: Refocusing. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 2002.

Jr. Donohoe, Joseph I., and Jane M. Koustas, eds. Theater Sans Frontiers: Essays on the Dramatic Universe of Robert Lepage. Michigan State UP, 2001.

Jones, Manina. That Art of Difference. Toronto: U of Toronto P, 1993. 

Kass, Banning. "Rhetorical Remarks towards the Politics of Otherness." CineAction! Spring 1989: 14-19. 

Kay Armatage, Kass Banning, Brenda Longfellow, Janine Marchessault, eds. Gendering the Nation: Canadian Women's Cinema. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1999.

Keohane, Keran. "Symptoms of Canada: National Identity and the Theft of National Enjoyment." CineAction! Spring 1992:20-33. 

Kathryn, Elder, ed. The Films of Joyce Wieland. Toronto International Film Festival Group, 1999.

Leach, Jim “The Reel Nation: Image and Reality in Contemporary Canadian Cinema.“ Canadian Journal of Film Studies 11.2 (2002)

Leiterman, Douglas., Canadian Culture at the Crossroads: Film, Television and the Media in the 1960s  Toronto, Ontario : ECW Press, 1989.

Lerner, Loren R.  Canadian Film and Video: A Bibliography and Guide to the Literature.  2 Vols.  Toronto: U of Toronto P, 1997.  (Fu Jen: R791.430071016L562 v.1 &v.2) 

MacKenzie, Scott and Mette Hjort, eds*. Screening Québec: Québécois Cinema, National Identity and the Public Sphere. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2003.

Marshall, Bill. Quebec National Cinema. Montreal : McGill-Queen's University Press, 2001.

Megder, Ted. Canada's Hollywood: The Canadian State and Feature Films. Toronto: Toronto UP, 1993. 

Melnyk, George, ed. Great Canadian Film Directors. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada: University of Alberta Press, 2007.

Monk, Katherine. Weird Sex & Snowshoes and Other Canadian Film Phenomena. Forward by Atom Egoyan. Raincoast Books, 2002.

Pendakur, Manjunath. Canadian Dreams and American Control: The Political Economy of the Canadian Film Industry. Detroit: Wayne State UP, 1990. 

Pevere, Geoff. Mondo Canuck: A Canadian Pop Culture Odyssey. Scarborough, Ont.: Prentice Hall, 1996. 

Posner, Michael. Canadian Dreams: The Making and Marketing of Independent Films. Vancouver: Douglas & McIntyre, 1993. 

Pratley, Gerald. Torn Sprockets the Uncertain Projection of the Canadian Film. Newark: University of Delaware Press, 1987.

Steven, Peter. Brink of Reality: New Canadian Documentary Film and Video. Toronto: Between the Lines, 1993. 

Stolar, Batia Boe “The "Canadian-Popular": Atom Egoyan, Michael Ondaatje, and Canadian Popular Culture.” Canadian Journal of Film Studies 11.2 (2002).

Stukator, Angela. "Critical Categories and the (Il)logic of Identity." Canadian Journal of Film Studies. 2.2-3 (1993): 117-128. (Rhonda) 

Whynot, Chris. "Canadian Film: In Search of a Future." Queen's Quarterly 95.2 (1988): 403-413. Wise, Wyndham, ed. Film in Canada Spec. issue of Take One Summer 1986. 1-53. 

William Beard and Jerry White, eds. North of Everything: English Canadian Cinema Since 1980. Edmonton: University of Alberta Press, 2002.

Who's Who In Canadian Film and Television. Global Press, 1999.

Who's Who in Canadian Film and Television. Toronto Academy of Canadian Cinema & Television, 1985.

Wood, Robin. "Towards a Canadian (Inter)national Cinema." CineAction! Spring 1989: 59-63. 

1996 Directory: Canadian Film, Television and Video Industry.  Ottawa: Telefilm Canada, 1996. 




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