Anecdote of the Jar
原文與註釋(Text and Annotation)
I placed a jar in Tennessee,
And round it was, upon a hill.
It made the slovenly wilderness
Surround that hill. (3-4)The wilderness rose up to it, 5
And sprawled around, no longer wild.
The jar was round upon the ground
And tall and of a port in air.It took dominion every where.
The jar was gray and bare. 10
It did not give of bird or bush,
Like nothing else in Tennessee. (11-12)
Word or
Title | Anecdote | 短而有趣的故事;軼事。[back] |
1 |
不一定指作者Wallace本人,可指任何詩人或藝術家。 美國中南部之田納西州。東部多大山荒野,此州中森林約為1, 369, 600英畝,佔全部面積一半以上。在此可能象徵大自然。[back] |
3 | It slovenly |
指瓶子(jar)。 雜亂不整之貌。[back] |
3-4 | 這句大意為:有完整外貌的瓶子使四周雜亂的荒野環繞著它而呈現一種秩序感。[back] | |
5 | rose
up to it sprawled around |
挺身向它。或指荒野對瓶子懷著贊羨之情。 指荒野伏臥於四周,顯出臣服的樣子。另sprawl有蔓延之意,表示荒野之廣闊。[back] |
8 | a
port in air port |
(portly appearance)巍峨莊嚴的樣子。 舉止,態度。[back] |
11-12 | give of | 產生之意。藝術可以統一自然,然而自然有其繁衍的能力,而藝術則無。其情形有如田納西州的荒野,林,鳥生生不息,而瓶子本身並不能滋生不絕。 [back] |