The Snow Man
原文與註釋 (Text and Annotation)
One must have a mind of winter
To regard the frost and the boughs
Of the pine-trees crusted with snow;And have been cold a long time
To behold the junipers shagged with ice, 5
The spruces rough in the distant glitterOf the January sun; and not to think
Of any misery in the sound of the wind,
In the sound of a few leaves,Which is the sound of the land 10
Full of the same wind
That is blowing in the same bare placeFor the listener, who listens in the snow,
And, nothing himself, beholds
Nothing that is not there and the nothing that is. 15
Word or
1 | a mind of winter | 冬日的心境。意指像雪人一般冷化而不帶絲 毫感情的心境(cold, unemotioned mind)。 [back] |
2-3 | The boughs / Of the pine-tree | 松枝。[back] |
3 | crusted | covered (crust有硬殼之意)。[back] |
4 | cold a long time | 冷化多時。與 "a mind of winter"同,意旨人歷盡滄桑,感情以冷化超脫。[back] |
5 | junipers shagged |
杜松(一種長青灌木)。 covered roughly. [back] |
6 | spruces distant glitter |
針樅;檜;雲杉(一種長青樹)。 遙遙閃爍。[back] |
7 | not to think | 與第二行 "To regard",第五行 "To behold"平行的不定詞片語。[back] |
10 | Which | 指前兩行的 "the sound of the wind"與 "the sound of few leaves"。[back] |
12 | bare place | 空茫之地。[back] |
13 | the listener | 聽風人。指 "snow man"或 "the man in the snow"。[back] |
14 | nothing himself | 雪人本身什麼都不是,他根本只是雪景中的一部份,他自己沒有感情,沒有思想,因此不會把自己的觀念或想法投射於所見之事物上。他所見到的只是自然的本質一片空無。 [back] |
14-15 | beholds / Nothing that is not there | 不在彼處的東西則看不見。意指雪人看不見任何祇存在於觀念或想像中的事物。[back] |
15 | the nothing that is | 存在的虛無。意指雪人什麼也看不見。[back] |