"Daphne with her things in bark | |
Stretches toward me her leafy hands,"- | (192-193) |
Subjectively. In the stuffed-satin drawing-room | |
I await The Lady Valentine's commands, | 195 |
Knowing my coat has never been | |
Of precisely the fashion | |
To stimulate, in her, | |
A durable passion; | (196-199) |
Doubtful, somewhat, of the value | 200 |
Of well-gowned approbation | |
Of literary effort, | |
But never of The Lady Valentine's vocation: | (200-203) |
Poetry, her border of ideas, | |
The edge, uncertain, but a means of blending | 205 |
With other strata | |
Where the lower and higher have ending; | |
A hook
to catch the Lady Jane's attention, |
A modulation toward the theatre, | |
Also, in the case of revolution, | 210 |
A possible friend and comforter. | (210-211) |
. . . . .
Conduct, on the other hand, the soul | |
"Which the highest cultures have nourished" | (212-213) |
To Fleet St. where | |
Dr. Johnson flourished; | 215 |
Beside this thoroughfare | |
The sale of half-hose has | |
Long since superseded the cultivation | |
Of Pierian roses. | (216-219); (218-219) |
1919 | 1920 |
本節中,Pound終於了解當代文學社中無他容身之地,因此他對時髦的倫敦文學沙龍加以嚴厲批評。在這些沙龍中,詩和藝術並非因其本身價值而受到重視;人們只是利用詩和藝術作進身之階。詩人Pound不得不自我讚譽,而往昔受人敬仰的文學區艦隊街,如今卻成為服飾商人的地盤。[back] | |
Daphne:希臘神話中一位半人半神少女,因受Appollo的追逐,祈求獲救,而為眾神之主Jupiter變為月桂樹(laurel tree).[back] | |
此二行詩係直接由法國詩人Theophile Gautier的詩"Le Chateau du souvenir"翻譯而來。Gautier為對Pound早期作品有影響力的詩人之一。在此處,Daphne的故事是194行中的drawing-room的室內裝飾(壁畫成浮彫)的一部份,表示Daphne正被變成月桂樹──大腿成為樹幹,雙手變成樹葉。[back] | |
Subjectively:主觀地。Daphne這個神話的文化上的意義,對女主人毫無作用。stuffed-satin:(沙發、椅等)內部充填,外飾鍛面的。[back] | |
我等待Lady Valentine的接見。Lady Valentine是作家的庇護人 (Patron)之流的貴婦人。[back] | |
譬喻說法。意為我的作品風格從未得她長期的激賞。這四行在文法構造上是一個分詞片語,主詞是195行的"I".[back] | |
在文法構造上Doubtful的主詞也是195行的"I".Doubtful後面的兩個前置詞片是of the value . . . effort及But never of . . . vocation.[back] | |
well-gowned approbation:approval of fashionable people.時髦人物的贊同。[back] | |
vocation:職業,也就是她作為作家庇護人的動機。下面八行中有所解釋。[back] | |
Poetry, her border of ideas:詩是意識的邊界。換言之,她實際上並不了解詩。[back] | |
edge: border.[back] | |
blending: mixing.[back] | |
Strata:i.e., of society社會的其他階層。[back] | |
Where the lower and higher classes are met.[back] | |
hook:means, trick, Lady Jane: a lady of a higher rank.[back] | |
模仿舞台式抑揚頓挫的聲音。意思是說,她作為詩人的庇護人,也只是一種戲劇式姿態。[back] | |
如果發生革命,在她所常會見的下層階級相識中,她可能得到協助和安慰。[back] | |
如果文學庇護人不欣賞我的作品,另一可能選擇就是從商業性著作;然而在艦隊街,一般的商業早已超越了商業著作。[back] | |
Conduct:導引。[back] | |
the soul . . . nourished : the writer.[back] | |
Fleet St.:英國倫敦的艦隊街,在十八世紀時為僱傭作家集居之地。[back] | |
Dr. Johnson:Dr. Samuel Johnson(1709-1784),英國十八世紀著名作家。flourished:享有盛名。約翰生博士(Dr.Johnson)早年亦為僱傭作家(hack writer)之,但後來卻享盛名。[back] | |
thoroughfare:通衢,大道。指Fleet St.[back] | |
half-hose: short stockings.[back] | |
The sale of half-hose:i.e. commercialization商業化;商業。[back] | |
The cultivation/Of Pierian roses:詩歌寫作。[back] | |
Pierian roses:指詩歌。語出希臘女詩人Sappho之未完成的遺稿之一。Sappho詩中所提到的花是rose,而Pieriz地方在傳統上是與對Muses(掌詩及其他藝術之女神)的崇拜視為一體的。[back] |