Beneath the sagging roof | |
The stylist has taken shelter, | |
Unpaid, uncelebrated, | |
At last from the world's welter | 175 |
Nature receives him; | |
With a placid and uneducated mistress | |
He exercises his talents | |
And the soil meet s his distress. | (178-179) |
The haven from sophistications and contentions | 180 |
Leaks through its thatch; | |
He offers succulent cooking; | |
The door has a creaking latch. |
在本節中描述的是一個獻身藝術的文人。由於不願屈服當時經濟方面的壓力,也不能應付此種壓力,被迫避居鄉間。[back] | |
sagging:下陷,中間凹陷。[back] | |
stylist:琢磨文體的作家。[back] | |
uncelebrated:默默無聞的。[back] | |
終遠離了世事的紛擾。[back] | |
有一位溫和未受教育的情婦相伴。[back] | |
He plants his own food, and gets nourishment from the soil.土地,也就是大自然,在他的苦腦中,予他以慰籍。換言 之,大自然供給他食物。[back] | |
這個遠離了批評家的詭辯和論戰的避風港。[back] | |
它的茅草屋頂漏雨。[back] | |
succulent:juicy, tasty.美味的,富汁液的。[back] | |
門上的閂(latch)太舊,開門關門時會吱吱作聲。此行與181行都暗示這位作家住處的破舊。[back] |