There died a myriad, | |
And of the beset, among them, | |
For an old bitch gone in the teeth, | 90 |
For a botched civilization, | (90-91) |
Charm, smiling at the good mouth, | |
Quick eyes gone under earth's lid, | (92-93) |
For two gross of broken statures, | |
For a few thousand battered books. | 95 (94-95) |
Gladstone was till respected, | |
When John Ruskin produced | |
"Kings Treasuries"; Swinburne | |
And Rossetti still abused. | |
Foetid Buchanan lifted up his voice | 100 |
When that faun's head of hers | |
Became a pastime for | |
Painters and adulterers. | |
The Burne-Jones cartons | |
Have preserved her eyes; | 105 |
Still, at the Tate, they teach | |
Cophetua to rhapsodize; | |
Thin like brook-water, | |
a vacant gaze. |
The English Rubaiyat was stillborn | 110 |
In those days. | |
The thin, clear gaze, the same | |
Still darts out faun-like from the half-ruin'd face | |
Questing and passive . . . | |
"Ah, poor Jenny's case". . . | 115 |
Bewildered that a world | |
Shows no surprise | |
At her last maquero's | |
Adulteries. | (116-119) |
Among the pickled foetuses and bottled bones, | 120 |
Engaged in perfecting the catalogue, | (120-121) |
I found the last scion of the | |
Senatorial families of Strasbourg, Monsieur Verog. | |
For two hours he talked of Gallifet; | |
Of Dowson; of the Rhymers' Club; | 125 |
Told me how Johnson (Lionel) died | |
By falling from a high stool in a pub . . . | (126-127) |
But showed no trace of alcohol | |
At the autopsy, privately performed- | |
Tissue preserved-the pure mind | 130 |
Arose toward Newman as the whiskey warmed. | (131) |
Dowson found harlots cheaper than hotels; | |
Headlam for uplift; Image impartially imbued | |
With raptures for Bacchus, Terpsichore and the Church. | (133-134) |
So spoke the author of"The Dorian Mood," | 135 |
M. Verog, out of step with the decade, | |
Detached from his contemporaries, | |
Neglected by the young, | (136-138) |
Because of these reveries. | |
The sky-like limpid eyes, | 140 |
The circular infant's face, | |
The stiffness from spats to collar | |
Never relaxing into grace; | (142-143) |
The heavy memories of Horeb, Sinai and the forty years, | |
Showed only when the daylight fell | 145 |
Level across the face | (145-146) |
Of Brennbaum"The Impeccable." | (145-147) |
In the cream gilded cabin of his steam yacht | |
Mr. Nixon advised me kindly, to advance with fewer | |
Dangers of delay."Consider | 150 |
"Carefully the reviewer. | |
"I was as poor as you are; | |
"When I began I got, of course, | |
"Advance on royalties, fifty at first,"said Mr. Nixon, | |
"Follow me, and take a column, | 155 |
"Even if you have to work free. | |
"Butter reviewers. From fifty to three hundred | |
"I rose in eighteen months; | |
"The hardest nut I had to crack | |
"Was Dr. Dundas. | 160 |
"I never mentioned a man but with the view | |
"Of selling my own works. |
"The tip's a good one as for literature | |
"It gives no man a sinecure. | |
"And no one knows, at sight, a masterpiece. | 165 |
"And give up verse, my boy, | |
"There's nothing in it." | |
Likewise a friend of Bloughram's once advised me: | |
Don't kick against the pricks, | |
Accept opinion. The"Nineties" tried your game | 170 |
And died, there's nothing in it. |
a myriad:指因世界大戰而死的人有千千萬萬。[back] | |
For an old . . . civilization:old bitch(掉了牙的老母狗)和botched civilization(縫縫補補東拼西湊的文明)都是指二十世紀人類所發展出來的文化。[back] | |
Charm . . . earth's lid:指美唇星眸滲入地底。[back] | |
For two gross . . . books:指上述在大戰中死去的人,死得不值得,他們的死只換來了幾尊破碎的雕像和幾千本被批評得體無完膚的書。此地雕像和書籍象徵人類的文化遺產。[back] | |
Yeux glauques:法文,青光眼之意。[back] | |
Gladstone:William Euart Gladstone(1809-1898),他曾四度擔任英國首相(1868-1894),在當時是廣受尊崇的人物。[back] | |
John Ruskin:John Ruskin(1819-1900)是英國作家,藝評家及社會改革者。他認為私有財產不應存在,社會國家應劃分成嚴密的等級,上層指導下層,絕對不許反抗。"King's Treasuries"是他討論社會問題的著作,在Pound時代已不合要求不切實際了。[back] | |
Swinburne:Algernon Charles Swinburne(1837-1909)英國詩人及批評家。其詩以音樂性見長。[back] | |
Rossetti:Dante Gabriel Rossetti(1828-1892)英國詩人,是Pre-Raphaelitism的代表人物。 abused:侮辱、輕視。。此地指Gladstone與Ruskin等人的舊觀念仍受當時一般人眾的歡迎。而Swinburne與Rossetti所發展出來的新藝術卻被大眾嘲辱。[back] |
Foetid Buchanan:指藝評家Robert Williams Buchanan,他對pre-Raphaelite畫家沒有好感,並稱他們的詩為「肉慾詩派」(The Fleshy School of Poetry)且為文發表在1871年10月18日的 Contemporary Review上面。此地lifted up his voice是指Buchanan揚起的批評之聲。[back] | |
Faun's head:faun為牧神是性的象徵。hers是指Rossetti的太太Elizabeth Eleanor Siddal,她是pre-Raphaelite畫家們所喜用的模特兒之一。[back] | |
a pastime:指畫家們玩弄模特兒。Painters and adulterers:指E.E. Siddal與其他的畫家有染。[back] | |
Burne-Jones cartons. Burne-Jones是pre-Raphaelite畫家之一。Cartons是指他的素描。[back] | |
preserved her eyes:指Burne-Jones為E.E. Siddal所畫的素描。現在此畫仍保存在倫敦Tate Gallery中。Pound看過,覺得Burne-Jones所畫的眼睛最能傳神。[back] | |
Cophetua:是指Burne-Jones的畫Cophetua and the Beggar Maid,現存Tate Gallery,描畫Cophetua以王者之尊,因迷戀一女丐之美目而娶為皇后的事。rhapsodize意謂狂吟、狂熱的講誦。[back] | |
Thin like brook-water:指畫中的眼睛清澈透薄如溪水。[back] | |
With a vacant gaze:茫然的凝望。[back] | |
Rubaiyat;Rubaiyat為波斯詩人Omar Khayyam的詩集,由英人Edward FitzGerald英譯後在英國大受歡迎。still-born是指Rubaiyat英譯在受Rossetti等人重視之前,是乏人問津的。[back] | |
The thin, clear gaze:指畫中的眼睛。[back] | |
the half-ruin'd face:指該畫只畫出了眼睛部份,並沒有完全畫出整個臉。[back] | |
Questing and passive:指畫中的眼神好像在探尋什麼又好 像隱藏些什麼。[back] | |
poor Jenny's case:"Jenny"是Rossetti的一首詩,描述一個青年畫家夜晚的沉思。在他膝旁偎依著一名叫Jenny的妓女。評批家 Buchanan就是因為看了此詩而在Contemporary Review上為文大加攻擊。此地Pound用Jenny來影射Siddal。[back] | |
Bewildered . . . Adulteries:Bewildered是指這世界昏亂迷惘對 Siddal那樣淫蕩生活竟絲毫沒有反應。這也就是說對現代人來說性的淫亂已是正常現象了。Maquero法文皮條客之意。指賣淫在現代社會已是常事。[back] | |
本首題目係引用但丁神曲煉獄篇(Dante, Purgatory, V, 135).譯成英文就是"Siena made me, Maremma undid me."說這句話的是Pia de' Tolomei of Siena的靈魂。她的丈夫為了要與另一女子結婚,把她送到義大利中部多斯加尼地方的Maremma在他的城堡中,Pietra將她殺死。她這句話是說「我成長於Siena,而喪命於Maremma.」本詩中,Pound詼諧地讓這句話出自Monsieur Verog口中來影射移民到英國後,堷況甚佳,根本沒有「喪命」的Monsieur Verog,他原名Victor Gustave Plarr(1863-1929),全家在普法戰爭之後由 Strasbourg移民英國。他曾為Ernest Dowson寫傳,也是詩人俱樂部(The Rhymers' Club)會員。本詩多半是根據Plarr對當時英國詩壇上兩位較特出詩人Ernest Dowson及Lionel Johnson的回憶而寫成。[back] | |
pickled foetuses:浸漬(於藥水中)的胎兒。bottled bones:盛在瓶中的骨類標本。[back] | |
本詩主角曾任倫敦外科醫學會(Royal College of Surgeons)圖書館長,所以說「在瓶裝浸漬的胎兒與骨頭之間,致力於編製更完善的目錄」。[back] | |
scion:(貴族的)子弟,苗裔。[back] | |
Senatorial families of Strasbourg:法國東北部Strasbourg的元老家族。Monsieur Verog:其真正姓名為Victor Gustave Plarr。[back] | |
Gallifet:應作Galliffet侯爵,原名Gaston Alexandre August,(1830-1909),於色當(Sedan)戰役率領騎兵攻擊,惜未受支援。[back] | |
Dowson:Ernest Dowson(1876-1900)為一「頹廢派」詩人("decadent"poet).[back] | |
the Rhymers' Club:此一俱樂部的會員包括甚多名作家。Yeats為最著名者,另有Ernest Dowson, Lionel Johnson, Arthur Symons等人。[back] | |
Lionel Johnson:(1867-1902)愛爾蘭詩人及批評家。他與 Ernest Dowson均為天主教徒,均酗酒,亦均崇敬羅馬詩人Propertius.[back] | |
事實上Lionel Johnson係在倫敦艦隊街猝斃。並非在酒館(pub=public house)中由高腳凳上跌下致死。[back] | |
autopsy:驗屍。Johnson並非死於酒館,所以驗屍時體內並無酒精。[back] | |
Tissue preserved:遺體組織保存了下來。[back] | |
the pure mind:指Lionel Johnson.[back] | |
Newman:(18014-1890)英國作家,後成為天主教徒並被任命為樞機主教。很多知識份子受他影響,亦皈依天主教。[back] | |
本行論及Johnson熱中天主教義,終於追隨Newman成為天主教徒。as the whiskey warmed指其熱情昇高,因他嗜酒。[back] | |
意謂他寧原宿娼而不住旅館,因後者價昂。[back] | |
Headlam for uplift:Headlam是Stewart Headlam神父,他是 Dowson的友人,亦為飲食考究家。意謂Dowson found that there was Headlam for uplift.因為the Rev. Stewart Headlam常舉辦教堂及戲劇宴會,是九十年代早期藝術盛事。所以Dowson發現,Headlam可以使他提起精神。[back] | |
Image:Selwyn Image教授,他曾與Herbert Horne共同編輯The Hobby Horse雜誌,並曾開畫室授徒。[back] | |
impartially imbued . . . and the Church:他公正不偏心地對飲酒(Bacchus為羅馬神話中之酒神),無蹈(Terpsichore為希臘神話中司歌舞之女神),及教會皆狂熱地喜愛。[back] | |
the author of"The Dorian Mood":Verog,實際上是Plarr,他的詩集全名是In the Dorian Mood(1896).[back] | |
M. Verog:M.為Monsieur之縮寫(參見123行)。[back] | |
out of step with the decade:與當代步調不一致。Detached from his contemporaries與他同時代的人脫節。此三行皆表示他不受大眾歡迎。[back] | |
these reveries:關於Lionel Johnson及Dowson等九十年代人士的沉思。[back] | |
Brennbaum:由此節開始的五節中,每節描述Mauberley在倫敦的文壇中所接觸的形形色色的人。此節的題目Brennbaum指的是一個猶太人。但Brennbaum為德國姓氏。所以此節的人物是一個文化方面歷經移植的文人。以種族論,為猶太人;以國籍論,從前為德國人,現在為英國人。他為了要在他所移植到的國家為人接受,力求儀容整潔行為正確,以便完全符合其新的寄居社會環境。因而否定了他所繼承的猶太傳統。Brennbaum的原義為burning tree,而根據聖經,上帝向摩西(Moses)顯聖時,係以燃燒中樹叢作為形象。所以 Brennbaum此一名字有一種諷刺意味,謂此一猶太人為求適應環境和生存,竟至忘本。此節也表現了Pound對這種猶太人的反感。[back] | |
sky-like limpid:碧藍清澈的。[back] | |
猶太人大多有圓而紅潤如娃娃的臉孔。[back] | |
spats:(覆蓋於皮鞋上面的)鞋罩。[back] | |
grace:優雅、斯文。此字又指上帝的恩典,諷刺此人過分重視世俗事物,而不能獲得上帝的恩典。[back] | |
他由領子至鞋罩都筆挺僵直,不能從容悠閒而獲優雅的風度。[back] | |
Horeb:上帝之山。上帝所派的天使在此向摩西顯聖。Sinai:西奈山。摩西在西奈山由上帝手中接受十誡,並率領以色列人在沙漠中遷徙四十。[back] | |
when the daylight fell level across the face:傍晚時分陽光平射照過他的臉。(他巨大的猶太鼻子就特別顯得突出。)[back] | |
The Impeccable:無缺點的,無瑕疵的;無罪過的。[back] | |
這個猶太人只在日暮時分,看到自己猶太人的特徵時,纔想起自己的民族歷史和文化。大部分時間,他只求衣飾整潔,毫無缺點。 Impeccable亦有諷刺意味:這個「無罪過的」猶太人否定了自己的文化遺產,以求生存;雖然外表毫無瑕疵,道德上卻非無罪過。[back] | |
Pound在其註解中(見 Friar與Brinnin編輯之Modern Poetry)說明,Nixon為假名,事實上真有其。Mr. Nixon是一個投機文人,以賺錢為目的。據Hugh Kenner之提示,Mr. Nixon係根據當時文人Arnold Bennett而描述的。[back] | |
在他奶油色蒸汽遊艇上漆著金色的艙房中。[back] | |
delay:指發跡方面的延擱。[back] | |
Advance on royalties:預付版稅。fifty:五十英鎊。[back] | |
take a column:寫一個專欄。[back] | |
to work free:免費供稿,不收報酬。[back] | |
Butter reviewers:要巴結評論家。[back] | |
three hundred:三百鎊。[back] | |
比喻說法,謂最難對付(但終於對付了)的評論家。[back] | |
Dr. Dundas:亦為虛構人名。[back] | |
but with the view:而不持有這種目的。[back] | |
tip:勸告。[back] | |
It:指literature. sinecure:閒差;工作少而待遇高的職位。[back] | |
at sight:at first sight.[back] | |
nothing:no money.[back] | |
a friend of Bloughram's:根據Pound自註,Bloughram係指 Browning詩中的主教,作比喻用法(見Friar與Brinnin編輯之Modern Poetry).Browning的"bishop Bloughram's Apology"一詩中的 Blougram(原拼法省略h字母)主教也是個「職時務者」,一位妥協專家。[back] | |
kick against the pricks:作無謂之抵抗而招致損害;螳臂當車。[back] | |
Accept opinion:接受時尚。The Nineties:十九世紀的九十年代是一個優雅生活的時期,「為藝術而藝術」運動正當全盛,詩人俱樂部(The Rhymers' Club)亦在此時享盛名。此亦為歐洲最後一批強有力君主當權時期。your game:your way,你這種作法。[back] |