釋意paraphrase): V

原文與注釋(Text and Annotation)

When we are born it is, paradoxically enough, not an awakening and remembering but rather like a sleep and forgetting. Our mind which is born with us is like the star of our life which has its setting somewhere else and comes from afar. When we come from God who is our home, we do not come completely ignorant nor in complete nakedness but bring some clouds of glory. When we are babies heaven is all around us. But as the boy grows up, shades of the world like that of a prison begin to enclose him. However, he still sees in his moment of joy the light and where it comes from. As we grow from boyhood to youth and journey further and further from our early years, we are still the priest of nature and are still accompanied by this early vision of nature. But eventually we reach manhood and this vision disappears and grows dim as it is seen against the ordinary view of life.