I Like My Body When It Is with Your

原文與注釋(Text and Annotation)

i like my body when it is with your  
body. It is so quite new a thing.  
Muscles better and nerves more.  
i like your body. ilike what it does,  
i like its hows. i like to feel the spine 5
of your body and its bones, and the trembling
一firm-smooth ness and which i will
again and again and again  
kiss, i like kissing this and that of you
i like, slowly stroking the, shocking fuzz 10 
of your electric fur, and what一is一it comes
over parting flesh.... And eyes big love一crumbs


and possibly I like the thrill



of under me you so quite new

Word or Phrase


當作名詞用,請參閱另一首"anyone lived in a  pretty how town", 其中 how字似又當作形容詞用,康明思對字的運用真是自由靈活,為所欲為。

spine:  脊髓骨。[back]
6-7. ...trembling
-firm-smooth ness:
在標點符號上也反成規,把原該放在 trembling後的連號字(hyphen) 硬置於firm之前;又把 nesssmooth分開 ,意思是 nessfirm, smooth都有關係,即:firmness and smoothness。[back]
9   句首的 kiss和第二行首的 body都是用來加強效果的[back]
10. fuzz: (身上的)細毛。[back]
11. what-is-it:  把一個問句連起來當名詞,意為「無以名之的東西」[back]
12. eyes big love-crumbs: 相當費解,或指把對方的眼睛當作麵包屑,輕輕吻啄之。[back]
14. 句末無句點,頗有意猶未盡之感。
