From Late19th to Early 20th Century
Women's Gender Roles

Provider: Dr. Ron Tranquilla

Fashions reveal changing roles

The "S-Bend Look," the extra slim waist achieved by a tight corset.


Compare the gender role implications suggested by the
1920s Flapper style, and the late 19th century S-Bend.



Compare the gender role implications suggested by the 1920s Flapper style (center),
and fashions of the preceding two decades (1900s and 1910s, above).


Women's fashions, 1927

Middle/upper class

Washing and filling basin and pitcher


1920s kitchen equipped with stove in "designer" colors and a washing machine


A lady and her lady's maid


A Men's Club: no women permitted, except the nudes in the lavish paintings

Late 19th and early 20th century women's
work outside the home

A teacher and her pupils

Telephone switchboard operators

The time is the 1930s-40s

What employment gender roles have remained the same? What's new?

Refer to the "Women's Roles" Report slides and Timeline to
observe changes in occupations and careers after WWI

External Links American Literature Survey 2;
Late 19th Century /Early 20th Century Woman's Roles