Provider: Dr. Ron Tranquilla
Machinery and Agricultural Halls, World's Columbian Exhibition, Chicago, 1893.
Building the Empire State Building, New York (1920s)
Building the Empire State Building, New York (1920s)
Building the Empire State Building, New York (1920s)
Voice of the City of New York Interpreted: The Bridge. Joseph Stella. 1920-22
How would you characterize Stella's "interpretation" of the city in
this portrayal of the Brooklyn Bridge? How does that interpretation compare
with that of the photographs above? With Walt Whitman's "Brooklyn Ferry"?
With Hart Crane's "The Bridge?"
What attitudes about city life are conveyed in this painting, and how?
Charlie Chaplin in the film Modern Times.
What attitudes about urban, industrialized society are suggested here? How do they compare with or contrast to those of the photographs and Stella's painting above?
What literary texts express these different views? Are any
of the texts ambivalent, expressing both together?
External Links
American Literature Survey 2; Technology