John Smith and
Samuel de Champlain

Provider: Dr. Ron Tranquilla

John Smith

John Smith "Admirall of New England." Frontespiece
A Description of New England, 1616


Smith capturing an Indian "King." 1603

Images of Pocahontas

17th Century engraving when she visited England with her husband, Jon Rolf


19th Century painting


19th Century painting


Disney Studios version

What characteristics do you see developing through time in later portraits
of Pocahontas? Why do you think these characteristics developed?

Samuel de Champlain


Northeastern tribes, including the Huron, and the Iroquois "Six Nations Federation"


Champlain's Map of Northeastern North America, 1632

What features do you recognize?


Champlain shoots three Iroquois chiefs with one shot, while his soldiers shoot
from ambush. Engraving from Champlain's
Voyages. 1618

How does this engraving compare or contrast with that of John Smith's capture
of a chief, above? What might these differences reveal about the two men?

External Links American Literature Survey1; John Smith and Samuel de Champlain