COMPREHENSIVE STUDY GUIDE TO FOURTEEN POEMS BY E. E. Cummings. Copyright©1972 by the Literary Study Guides Association, Taipei, Taiwan. Hong Kong edition by World Today Press, Hong Kong.

First Printing December 1977
Second Printing April 1984


主編 / 李達三 / 談德義
編輯 /張靜二 / 馬楊萬運 / 鄭和周 / 楊敏京 /周昭明 / 張強仁 周英雄 /田維新



"anyone lived in a pretty how town" and "my father moved through dooms of love"

Copyright©1940 by E. E. Cummings; renewed 1968 by Marion Morehouse Cummings.

"plato told"

Copyright©1944 by E. E. Cummings; renewed 1972 by Nancy T. Andrews.


Copyright© 1958 by E. E. Cummings. Reprinted from Complete Poems 1913-1962 by E. E. Cummings by permission of Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.


Reprinted from "No Thanks" by E. E. Cummings, edited by George James Firmage, by permission of Liveright Publishing Corporation. Copyright©1935 by E. E. Cummings. Copyright©1968 by Marion Morehouse Cummings. Copyright©1973, 1978 by the Trustees for the E. E. Cummings Trust. Copyright©1973, 1978 by George James Firmage.

"in Just"
"Buffalo Bill's"
"when god lets my body be"
"o sweet spontaneous"
"the cambridge ladies"
"spring is like a perhaps hand"
"I like my body"

Reprinted from Tulips and Chimneys by E. E. Cummings, edited by George James Firmage, by permission of Liveright Publishing Corporation. Copyright©1932, 1925 and renewed 1951, 1953 by E. E. Cummings. Copyright©1973, 1976 by the Trustees for the E. E. Cummings Trust. Copyright©1973, 1976 by George James Firmage.

"my sweet old etcetera"
"next to of course god America i"

Reprinted from Complete Poems by E. E. Cummings, by permission of Liveright Publishing Corporation. Copyright©1926 by Horace Liveright. Copyright renewed 1953 by E. E. Cummings.

"moon over towns moon"

Reprinted from "No Thanks" by E. E. Cummings, by permission of Liveright Publishing Corp.

Excerpts from "i thank you God". Copyright©1947 by E. E. Cummings; renewed by Namcy T. Andrews. Excerpts from "wherlings whenlings". Copyright©1940 by E. E. Cummings; renewed 1968 by Marion Morehouse Cummings.