COMPREHENSIVE STUDY GUIDE TO FIVE POEMS BY WALLACE STEVENS. Copyright©1972 by the Literary Study Guides Association, Taipei, Taiwan. Hong Kong edition by World Today Press, Hong Kong.
First Printing December 1977
Second Printing April 1984
主編 / 李達三 / 談德義
編輯 /楊敏京/ 周昭明 / 馬楊萬運 / 張強仁 /
鄭和周 / 張靜二 / 周英雄 /田維新
"Peter Quince at The Clavier," "Sunday Mourning," "The Snow Man," "The Emperor of Ice Cream," and "Anecdote of The Jar" by Wallace Stevens. Copyright©1923 and renewed 1951 by Wallace Stevens. Reprinted from The Collected Poems of Wallace Stevens, by permission of Alfred A. Knopf, Inc.