世界英文文學首頁   /   作家  /  William Butler  Yeats  威廉.巴特勒.葉慈  /  作品
Easter, 1916
作者Author  /  William Butler  Yeats  威廉.巴特勒.葉慈

Study Questions

  1. Discusss the tense of each sentence in each stanza. What is its relation to the meaning of the poem?

2. Examine the rhythm scheme of each stanza in "Easter, 1916."

3. Talk about the recurring line "A terrible beauty is born." What does the speaker mean for this refrain?

4. What is the occasional poem? According to "Easter, 1916," what is Yeats' view of the modern Irish history?

5. After reading this poeem, talk about  your interpreation on the martyrs / the rebels in the context of history
   and politics.

6. Consulting Yeats' biography,  discuss the versification of "Easter, 1916."

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