世界英文文學首頁   /   作家  /  Samuel  Beckett  山謬•貝克特  /  作品
Waiting for Godot
作者Author  /  Samuel  Beckett  山謬•貝克特

Waiting for Godot

1. Describe the setting of Waiting for Godot and try to relate its stage direction
   with the main idea of this play.

2. Discuss and analyze the concept of time and personal memory in the play.

3. There are two pairs of characters in this play. Characterize and compare their relationships
   in two different acts of the play.

4. Talk about the recurring images/actions in the play.

5. Discuss the importance of "waiting" in the play.

6. Talk about the frequence phrase "Nothing to be done" in this play. Is it really "nothing to be done"?

7. Have you ever seen the performance of Waiting for Godot? (Video/Live performance) Try to compare /talk
   about the  performance with your reading experience.  
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