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Happy Days
作者Author  /  Samuel  Beckett  山謬•貝克特

Happy Days

Samuel Beckett

1.  What do you think of Happy Days?  Do you like to read it? 

2.  What is the function of the bell ring in Happy Days?

3.  Oh, this will have been a happy day."  Do you think that Winnie does have been a happy day?

Or Winnie is too optimistic to admit her miseries in the present?  Why?

4.  What do you think of the relationship between Winnie and Willie in Happy Days? 

5.  Could you discuss those objects in Winnie's bag?  Ex. (toothpaste, toothbrush, mirror, spectacles, handkerchief, parasol, and a revolver) Are there any significant meanings to Winnie?

6. Discuss the concept of time in Happy Days and Krapp's Last Tape. 

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