世界英文文學首頁   /   作家  /  Margaret  Laurence  瑪格麗特.勞倫斯  /  作品
Rain Child
作者Author  /  Margaret  Laurence  瑪格麗特.勞倫斯

Rain Child

  • How do the characters above differ from each other in their cultural identity and social position?
  • How is Ms. Nedden related to her students?  Is she a good teacher?  How about Ms. Poovey?
  • Ruth: Does she completely reject the native culture?  Or is she rejected by it?  What is the major turning point in her life, the festival or her conflict with Kwaale afterwards?
  • Why does Ms. Nedden emphasize her limpness so much?  What are the symbolic meanings of the other things associated with her, the chair and the ebony cane?


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