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Meatless Days
作者Author  /  Sara  Suleri  莎拉•蘇勒律

Study Questions

  1. What kind of national history is presented? Does it avoid "realism" on the one hand and easy allegorization on the other?
  2. How are women related to nation? Why are there no women in the third world.
  1. "There are no women in the third world."
  • Only the burned and the silent stay in the country
  • narrative method'associational e,g,

2. the relations between the public (nation) and the private (women)?

3. "There are no women in the third world." -1. In law, women can not bear testimony.

  • Only the burned and the silent stay in the country

The genealogy of this family:

Dadi--p. 3 religious 
the goal p. 5 
a recognizable loneliness 6 
more good in women 7 
smelling death 8 
father--a rebellious son 7; later devout Muslim 
Welsh mother--killed 
Ifat -run away to get married , killed in a car accident  
Irfan'born in England, serious, refuses food  


  • narrative method--associational

4. the relations between the public (nation) and the private (women)?

  • causal, b. parallel, c. allegorical, d. alternative'national history marked by cooks, marked by personal changes, esp. Dadi's

the middle years--Dadi's loneliness

Bhutto's regime--trying times: Dadi' complaint about being lifted by Shahib (1971)'Dadi's conflagration

Zia's regime -Dadi forgets to pray

  • knowing, p. 10 or indifferent p. 2 Dadi


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