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Dancing at Lughnasa
作者Author  /  Brian  Friel  布萊恩.費爾

Response to Dancing at Lughnasa (1990), by Brian Friel


Some Significant Differences between the Play Dancing at Lughnasa and Its Film Adaptation

1 憶《陸納薩之舞》

廖冠惠 Kuan-hui Liao 

《陸納薩之舞》(Dancing at Lughnasa)為當今愛爾蘭知名劇作家布萊恩.傅雷爾(Brian Friel)的一九九0年力作。該劇獲頒劇場界各獎項,並於九八年被改編成電影。劇評家咸認《陸》劇為典型的「回憶劇」(a memory play),以成年的麥克.艾文(Michael Evans)為口白的主角,倒敘數十年前其家鄉、母親與眾姨媽之間的故事。
一九三六年夏天,年僅七歲的麥克與母親克莉絲蒂娜.曼帝(Christina Mundy)和四位姨媽凱特(Kate)、瑪姬(Maggie)、蘿絲(Rose)、安格妮絲(Agnes)同住在貝利貝格(Ballybeg)鎮裡的農舍。五位曼帝姊妹均為單身,全家靠凱特的教職薪水與蘿絲和安格妮絲的編織零工勉強維持生計。某日,一家六口的單純生活突因被遣返歸國的傑克神父(Father Jack)起了變化。傑克原為曼帝家族的成員,年輕時離鄉至烏干達的痲瘋病院傳教,中年後感染瘧疾並罹患失智症,遭遣送回鄉。但傑克遭遣返家園的真正的原因,可能在於他對天主教信仰的背棄,從他對非洲當地異教習俗與居民的念念不忘可見一斑。傑克事件迅速波及凱特的教職工作,就在傑克回國不久後,原本希冀他可回教堂重任牧師的凱特,接獲的卻是她自身遭解聘的通知。無獨有偶地,因著村內編織工廠的設立,蘿絲和安格妮絲的打零工賺外快生活也被迫中斷,全家的經濟頓時陷入困境。與此同時,麥克的生父蓋利.艾文(Gerry Evans)回到貝利貝格來探望克莉絲蒂娜母子,然其對克莉絲蒂娜的求婚也終因決定參戰而告吹。曼帝一家的經濟困頓始終未得到抒解,蘿絲和安格妮絲後來離家前往倫敦去謀職,卻雙雙客死異鄉。


2) Some Significant Differences between the Play Dancing at Lughnasa and Its Film Adaptation  

黃汝娸 Ru-Chi Huang

     In the 1990s, Ireland won the name “the Celtic Tiger” thanks to its rapid economic growth, and the Celtic Tiger's financial success helps to bring its culture to the world, transforming traditional Ireland culture into international commodities. Among all the exported Irish cultures stand out Irish plays. Friel's play Dancing at Lughnasa was a phenomenal success at the Abbey Theater, London, and New York, a success which brings the play to not only Broadway but also Hollywood. Adapted from Friel, the namesake movie, with Frank McGuinness writing the screenplay and Meryl Streep featuring Kate, is no less famous than the play. Considering Dancing at Lughnasa's double success in both film and play, I would like to discuss some significant differences between the film version and the original play.
     The most obvious difference lies in structures. The structure of the movie, as those of ordinary Hollywood movies, is established under the logic of linear, progressive time. The movie, with a male voice as an invisible narrator, arranges the story in a chronological order, an order in which real life events takes place. The chronological arrangement of the plots gives the movie a sense of reality, engaging its audience to believe that the events happening between the Mundy family in the 1930s are all authentic. However, while the chronological structure in the movie bears much similarity to reality, reality is the last thing the structure of the original play presents. Being a famous “memory” play, Dancing at Lughnasa has a unique structure that reverses the linear, progressive time by setting the whole play in a man's memory. In the very beginning, Michael starts the play by saying: “When I cast my mind back to that summer of 1936 different kinds of memories offer themselves to me” (1). The first line of the play is time-reversing because it is the past, rather than the present or the future, that urges to stage itself before the audience. Moreover, as the past reveals itself, the adult narrator Michael twice interrupts the progression of the former events, reminding the audience of the play's structure as a memory. In the two interruptions, he keeps disclosing what was going to happen, reversing the time order followed by the movie. More importantly, the reversion of linear time order grants the play a kind of ambiguity, oscillating the play between fact and fiction. The ambiguity of memory reaches its apex at Michael's ending comment: “what fascinates me about that memory is that it owes nothing to fact. In that memory atmosphere is more real than incident and everything is simultaneously actual and illusory” (71).
     The second difference between the film and the play is their treatment of Rose's rendezvous with Danny Bradley. Rose, whose mental disability and sexual innocence are apparent in both the film and the play, hatch a plot to meet Danny Bradley secretly. In the movie, Rose reveals her plan to the audience earlier than she does in the play. In the movie's berry-gathering scene, which the play skips, it is obvious that Rose pretends to have a stomachache in order to steal some time for her meeting with Bradley. Rose's facial expression, paradoxically mixed with uncertainty and determination, creates a sense of suspension in the movie. The intensifying suspension then reaches its climax when the innocent Rose stays in the canoe alone with Bradley. In the movie, Bradley threatens her, swinging the boat violently. The image of a swinging boat provokes a strong sexual implication, sharply contrasting Bradley's dominance over the situation and Rose's hopelessness in it. However, the suggestive scene does not appear in the play. In Friel's original version, what has happened to Rose in her carefully-planned rendezvous remains a mystery. Although Rose bravely affronts Kate's interrogation, telling Kate the striking truth that she has arranged to met Bradley and was brought out by Bradley in his blue boat, she persists not to reveal further. Obstinate, she insists “that's all I'm going to tell you” (59).
     In addition to the difference in the treatment of Rose's rendezvous, the movie and the play treat Jack's affection to his servant boy Okawa differently. The movie undercuts Jack' complicated affection, revealing it only on one occasion. When Maggie helps Jack to change his cloth, he mistakenly calls her Okawa, misrecognizing the woman who tenders him with the boy to whom he is familiar. Although the scene alone can indicate Jack's particular attachment with Okawa, the feeling seems ambiguous. However, the play tells more about their intricate relationship. Besides the misrecognition scene, Jack talks about Okawa when the church bell rings. The ringing bell, according to others, is a wedding bell for their rich neighbor. The bell reminds Kate the former masses Jack has been held, while Jack abruptly associates the wedding bell with Okawa and the rituals they has been held in Africa. The association explains why Jack is considered homosexual.
     In brief, the movie and the play, although share major plots, differ from each other in the aspects of structure, the treatment of Rose's rendezvous, and that of Jack's affection toward Okawa. Therefore, it is arguable to say that the movie and the play have won their success with not only the story they share but also with their distinctive features differing from each other.



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