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The Seven Streams of River Ota
作者Author  /  Robert  Lepage  

The Seven Streams of River Ota

  by Robert Lepage

Plot Summary and Characters Issues and Questions for discussion

Main Issues

    • title: The first to be re-constructed after the bomb were two bridges, One Yin and the other Yang bridge.  "The city [Hiroshima] was built on the seven streams of the river Ota, and so it was important to re-establish transport links."
    • survival --
      "The Seven Streams of River Ota is about people from different parts of the world [Houston, New York, Paris, Czeck, Germany, Montreal] who came to Hiroshima and found themselves confronted with their own devastration [egotism, past trauma, family deaths] and their own enlightenment.  For if Hiroshima is a city of death and destruction, it is also of rebirth and survival" (1).
      "The outcome of this highly organised thing, war, is experienced in chaos, and it embodies the end of many things: the end of life, of belief, of loving, the end of certain forms of society.  It's in this sense that the idea of the Hiroshima bomb naturally leads us towards the idea of renewal; the idea of death towards the idea of sensuality and life.  There is in death -- it may seem terrible to say, but it's nevertheless true -- a deep sensuality, a profound fulfillment of carnal reality."(Charest  89-90)
    • the merging of East and West (e.g. Nozomi, Sarah Weber and Pierre as "Madame Butterfly"; Sophie and NO character; Walter and Loyang beauty)
    • the use of mirrors and video screens; play within the play.
    • the use of different languages (e.g. English, French, Japanese, & German); translation through simultaneous translator or subtitles.
    • the shifting of scenes on stage and in front of the audience, or coexistence of past and present (The Traces of Time IMAGE)
  • production process: "Simply put, writing-rehearsal-performance-translation becomes rehearsal-performance-translation-writingl  Seen in a linear manner, the starting point for most creations becomes, for me, their final point." (Charest 178)

    Issues and Questions for discussion
Part I:
  • The use of video screen:
    • alternation between still pictures and moving pictures (p. 2; p. 5)
    • How do the characters (Luc: p. 5 and the mother-in-law: pp. 10-11) respond to the screen on stage
  • The Relationship between Luc and Nozomi:
    • Luc's ambivalent position (both sympathetic and intrusive)
    • Nozomi's attitudes toward Luc--why does she need a picture?  Why does she want to show her body?  Is she in love with Luc?
    • The role of the mother-in-law
Part II:
  • The development of Jeffrey 1 and Jeffrey 2's relationship:
    • How is the past, or Jeffrey 2's identity, revealed?
    • how are they contrasted with the other tenants (Tony and Kevin as a rock-and-roll band)?  Which brings them closer, blood relationship or their mutual sympathy?
  • symbolic use of spaces such as the bathroom (its crowdedness) in an apartment building
Part III:
  • the function of "the Doctor" -- with stethoscope; Susan's performing mercy killing
  • the general setting of Dutch Red-Light District and the cafe (p. 37).
Part IV:
  • the use of mirror  pp. 45; and the interaction between the two sides of the mirror e.g. on p. 47 and 57
  • the relationship between young Jana and Sarah pp. 46-47; p. 49-51
  Development of the Mme. Butterfly Motif:
    • the original story introduced on p. 50
    • How is Nozomi different from Mme Butterfly?  (She dies of childbirth, but the mother-in-law keeps Jeffrey 2 away from Luc; see pp. 19 & 31; the image of the doll at the end of Part I.)
    • Jeffrey 2's sense of identity: p. 14
    • variation & extension of the Butterfly motif: Sarah Weber pp. 51 - 57 (Sarah's enactment of Butterfly role on pp. 51 and 57; Jana's version on p. 55);
    • kimono re-appears on pp. 126; 133
Part V: setting--world expo
  The use of other "international" elements:
mixture of languages and places (e.g. Maurice on pp, 55-56),
Noh play; Dutch Red-Light District; Zen;
Prague in Hiroshima's Peace Memorial Park(106); Puppet show (Part VI);
the meeting of characters in Part VII (p. 141), and the garden (p. 139)
-- Are they properly or meaningfully used?
  • the role of the translator and the translation booth:
    • Since the play can also do subtitles, why does it use the translator?  (pp. 58; 78)
  • photo booth pp. 60; 77; 92
  • the role of the French play
Part VI
  • Jana's appreciation of Zen p. 105; of Hiroshima 106
  • The process of the interview: different angle at different times 107-108; editting 111;
  • What role does Patricia as a documentary director play?  Is she a parody of Lepage himself?
  • the problems between Patricia and Walter pp. 115-
  • the use of the puppets (puppet servants, and puppet-Jana) pp. 119
Part VII
  • the inter-relationship among Pierre, David and Hanako
  • the garden 137
  • the kimono dance p. 145

  Plot Summary and Characters
Jana Capek: a Jewish artist who has experienced the concentration camp.

Seven Parts and their characters:


Special Thanks to ¦¿¨¬º¡ for the summary she did of the play;
on which the following summary is based.
Luke (-  around 1965)

? + Sarah Weber (-1943)
-- Jeffrey 1 (-1985)
-- Jeffrey 2 (-before 1997)
  Walter + Patricia 
Lepage on Pierre (who appears in The Dragon Trilogy, The Seven Streams and The Confessional) from [Charest pp. 33-]:
-- his "alter ego";
-- Pierre's mother is called Francise Roberge before she married a Lamontagne;
-- "Pierre Lamontagne's name revealed both the littleness of the character and the vast scope of his ambitions."
-- "the entire Trilogy, the entire history that precedes im, becomes Pierre Lamontagne's inheritance."
-- "The movement in The Confessionalis in the opposite direction: Pierre investigates his family's past by seeking to make sense of his father's death and his brother's disappearance."
-- "In The Seven Streams of the River Ota, he finds himself in Japan and it's through him that the audience can make a connection with Japan and Japanese culture."
" He's all-purpose because he is relatively young and an artist, which allows us to place him almost anywhere, in almost any circumstances.  He's very flexible, very mobile character-- a blank character, in a way."

A few inconsistencies:
e.g. In Seven Streams - came to Japan in 1995 to study calligraphy
In The Confessional, he came back from China in 1989.

Moving Pictures
Luke O'Connor--American soldier from Houston
Nozomi--a Hibakusha (victim of atomic bombs)
time: 1945-46; place: Hiroshima
--the meeting of Luke and Nozomi; Luke in his attempt to take pictures of the house to show damages done by the atomic bombs.
-- p. 7 "Please, I thought you took pictures of physical damages."
Two Jeffreys
Jeffrey 1-- Luke's first son
Jeffrey 2-- Luke's son with Nozomi, a Jazz musician
Ada -- Dutch; student of music and in love with Jeffrey 1.
Karen -- the landlady
time: 1965; place: New York
-- the meeting of Jeffrey 1 and Jeffrey 2 in Karen's house, with noise from upstairs.
the past: 
-- Jeffrey 2's  birth (P2, scene 3 & 8)
-- Nozomi's death (P2, scene 12)
--Luke's anti-Americanism and leukemia (pp. 25; 30)
A Wedding
Jeffrey 1; Jeffrey 2; Ada; 
Hanako -- a translator and Jeffrey 2's wife (their son David, already 14)
Susan -- 
time: 1985; place: Amsterdam
-- Jeffrey 1 wants to marry Ada in order to have mercy killing (which is allowed in Holland). 
-- Ada remembering young Jeffrey 1.
-- Jeffrey 2 comes to meet his brother to accompany him in his mercy killing.
The Mirror
Ada (mentioning Jeffrey 2; Hanako)
older Jana

younger Jana 
Sarah Weber (played by Ada); a singer, Ada's mother
Maurice, a magician

time/place: 1986/Hiroshima; 1943/Terezin
-- Jana becomes a famous artist and has an exhibition in Tokyo; Ada invites her to Hiroshima [Ada is here with Jeffrey 2 after Jeffrey 1's death]
-- 1943: Jana and Sarah's friendship in a concentration camp; Maurice's magic show;
"Are all the people who have disappeared hiding behind mirrors?" p. 49
-- Sarah shows the kimono for Butterfly; tells the story of Butterfly and cries.  [Does she identify with Butterfly?]
--Sarah's death. 
-- Jana and Maurice's escape
-- ending: Sarah = Nozome - Butterfly
Sophie-- an actress; her Quebecois consciousness p. 89
Walter -- Canadian diplomat in Osaka
Patricia -- Walter's wife
time: 1970; place: Osaka -- photo booth and translator's booth
-- play within the play -- Feydeau's The Lady of Maxim (pp. 64-69); Sophie's affairs with Francois-Xavier and Walter, too? (p. 96)
-- phone booth -- 1. Sophie and Hanako p. 59-; 2. Sophie and Hanako p. 96- 
-- photo booth -- 1. Walter and Patricia 60; 2. Hanako and Jeffrey 2 p. 77; 3. Francois-Xavier; 4. Sophie and Hanako p. 99--who is the father of Sophie's child?
-- translator's booth -- translator appears on stage pp. 78-92; 96-99; translator's mistake p. 99
An Interview
time: 1995;  place: Hiroshima
-- puppet show ('Loyang Beauty,' play within the play, told by Jana): a Chinese story set in Song Dynasty; the invention of gunpowder
--the interview of Jana by Patricia--about how Jana chooses Hiroshima p. 106; 
-- Walter and Patricia, with puppets, about the possibility of going to China; 
-- Walter with Loyang beauty puppet; [suggesting Walter and Patricia's divorce]
-- Walter witnessing 1997 Hong Kong
David: son of Hanako and Jeffrey 2
Pierre: son of Sophie and Walter(?)
Walter; Hanako;
  time: 1997;  place: Hiroshima
-- Walter takes Pierre to Hanako as a boarder
-- the mentioning of Jeffrey 2's death p. 124
-- dream 1: Nozomi in kimono; 2. Nozomi and Luke, and then Pierre
-- David back; 
-- Hanako's 60-yr-old party p. 131
-- David and Pierre in the same room; 
-- Hanako describing the garden; Pierre imitating Hanako
-- the meeting of Walter, Ada, Pierre, David, Sophie and Hanako.  David and Pierre talk about their family; Sophie and Hanako about Pierre's father (Walter).
-- Kimono dance: Pierre's dance with Hanako as the subject; 
Hanako holds kimono for -- Pierre 
Old Jana  holds kimono for -- Sarah
Luke -- Nozomi
Hanako -- Pierre
-- the ending (spreading of Jeffrey 2's ashes); the beginning (Luke and his camera)

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