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Le Confessional
作者Author  /  Robert  Lepage  


first generation:

Paul-Emile Lamontagne (taxi-driver), 

Fracoise Lamontagne (wife of Paul-Emile);

old and young priets; 

Rachel (sister of Francoise); 

second generation:

Pierre Lamontagne,

Marc (the son of Paul-Emile and Rachel), 







Parallel plots:
F's Miscarriage and her confession-->

R's Pregnancy and her confession

Suspicion of Massicott ->  Birth of Marc(Life);
Finishing of I Confess  "Cut"-> 
Rachel's Suicide-> 
Father's Death->  Search for Marc->  Search for Father and the photo album->  Massicott's confession in chess game ->  Marc's Suicide-> 

Showing of I Confess->  Father's Confession and self-punishment
Massicott's Revelation->  Another pair of Father-Son (Life/Danger)      

1952; 1989 Quebec City;

魁北克在1952年發生的三件大 事:

1.  魁北克現代化(modernity)侵入的表徵.:電視的盛行
2.  Maurice Depulessis (1890-1959)再次當選魁北克省長 (1944-1959)支持天主教教會保守右派屬於國家聯盟黨(Union National)。
3.  Intertext: Hitchcock's I Confess (1953; plot summary )

1. 日本代表跨國經濟殖民的勢力:  (Brian Mulroney (1939~) ,  加拿大總理,保守主義者。  Massicotte扮演日、加經貿特使  ,為經濟殖民者服務的特使   成為「偽父親」。
2.  中國天安門鎮壓屠殺事件:    為內在殖民的代表。

(Ref. 江足滿《國家與性別:當代台灣、印度、加拿大小說與魁北克電影》中外文學 [Chung-Wai Literary Monthly])

Themes and Issues:
1. Confession:
  • Francoise's -- miscarriage and fear of infertility
  • Rachel's -- suicidal tendency
  • Massicotte's
  • Paul-Emile's
2. Fathers: The absent father: Paul-Emile
False fathers: Hitchcock & Marsicotte

How does the filim reveal who Marc's father is?

3. Family heritage: diabetes and suicide

Are the Montaigne family doomed?

4. oppression in history and by history -- past forever present; references to the political/historical

  • less overt, cultural imperialism (i. e.g. Hitchcock)// before Quiet revolution or rebellion against Catholicism;
  • brutal internal colonization (i. e.Tien-An-Men) // after the failure of referendum in 1980.
  • the relationship between the past and present
    "In the city where I was born, the past carries the present on its shoulders like an infant." (Dans la ville ou je suis ne, le pass porte le present comme un enfant sur ses paules.)

    Relationship between the past and the present: haunting, dooming, dominating, supporting

5. Color Motif:
  • the colors red, yellow, blue and green.

Relevant Links
  • An Article (in Chinese) on Le Confessionnal by Tsu-man Chiang
  • General or other works --
    • Metamorphosis - In Extremis Images production company presents thoughts on
                  cinematographic adaptation of theatrical works. Tracks the production of No by
                  Robert Lepage.
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