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Happy Days
作者Author  /  Samuel  Beckett  山謬•貝克特

Happy Days

Sameul Beckett

I. One day in the mound of soil? The game of Time and Memories
A. The uses of spatial and temporal notion of the day are the basis of Winnie's perception of herself. (Lyons 119)
B. Winnie's perception of objects connects her to the memories of specific days and important incidents within. (119-20)
1. Winnie's memory may be either a recollection of childhood experience or an early erotic encounter or love affair.
# Charlie Hunter / Mr. Johnson (2246)
2. Special objects stimulates Winnie's memories tied to Willie, and she identifies each of these incidents as "that day."
C. The happy day, which Winnie creates, consists of a sequence of routines. (131)
1. no relation to her present situation.
2.that use objects alien to the environment.
3.combination of saying and doing which embody significant meanings
4.disconnection from the original function.
II.The significant scene of Happy Days
A.The blazing light suppresses Winnie to stay at the point of infinite noon.
# stage direction in ACT I (2243).
B.The mound of soil makes Winnie be confined in earthling prison to suffer under the blazing sun.
III.The uses of Story-Telling and The Self-reflexivity of Winnie
A.The story -telling / narrative of the experience in the lost past.
1.the first love and kiss--Charlie Hunter / Mr. Johnson (2246)
2.the story of little Mildred / the mouse (2257,2259)
3.the story of Mr. Shower/ Cooker (2253,2254, 2258)
B.The self-reflexivity of Winnie in the dream / the recollection of Happy Day upon the mound.
1.the dialogue of selves between Winnie and fictional Winnie
# Mr. Shower/Cooker- (2254, 2258)
#talk to herself / think aloud to readers (2253)
Works Cited & Reference
  A, Alarez. "The Plays: Carry on Taking." Beckett. Glasgow, UK: Fontana/ Collins, 1973. 78-111.

Beckett, Samuel. Happy Days. The Norton Anthology of English Literature. 6th ed. Vol. 2 New York: Norton, 1993. 2243-61.

Lyons, Charles R. "Ember and Happy Days." Samuel Beckett. New York:Grove,1983. 116-34.

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