世界英文文學首頁   /   作家  /  Jamaica  Kincaid  牙買加.琴凱德  /  作品
作者Author  /  Jamaica  Kincaid  牙買加.琴凱德


Background: First and probably most important piece of the collection(At the Bottom of the River 1983), highlights Kincaid's evocative use of language,
As she explores themes of enculturation and the "patriarchal politics of oppression" (Contemporary African American Novelists).  

母親獨白? "Girl" 的特殊點是它整個故事只有一句話,也是母女的對話。.母親不斷地說,指點女兒什麼事要注意、什麼事不可做……。



--  "Wash the white clothes on Monday and put them on the stone heap; wash the color clothes on Tuesday and put them on the clothesline to dry; don't walk barehead in the hot sun. . . ." 

-- "on Sundays try to walk like a lady and not like the slut you are bent on becoming."

-- hem the dress in a certain way "so to prevent yourself from looking like the slut I know you are so bent on becoming."

本故事可以和一些以母親為主的弱勢族裔女性作家的故事並列;如:"Her Mother" by Anjana Appachana.  可以比較

1) 女兒對母親的態度和對家鄉的看法。
2) 母親對女兒的了解。 

(Reference:  "Girl," in Literature of Developing Nations for Students, Vol. 1, The Gale Group, 2000.

Literature Resource Center)

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