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作者Author  /  Dionne  Brand  布蘭德



* Right: Oya from Santeria (image source)

Blossom—an obiah woman; her obeah house and speakeasy on Vaughan Road

  • her experience:

    -- jilted by a man, babysit for whites on Oriole, try to learn to type and be secretary, to sell old furniture, to earn fast money by joining pyramid scheme,
    -- works for a doc on Blamoral: he eyeing she, eyeing she. …Blossom …making sure she ain't in no room alone with he. (33)
    the doctor's attempt, Blossom's strong reaction, picketing next day (33-34);
    -- do odd jobs, save money to do she own business

  • Victor 36
  • her dream of the place 39 weeping as if she mourning and as if somebody borning
  • Oya makes her look at black people suffering; her vision 39—becomes Oya's priestess
  • "obeah gone modern tech"  (B's int. 132)
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