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Brian  Friel
Critical Essays on Translations:
Andrews, Elmer. “Translations.” The Art of Brian Friel: Neither Reality Nor Dreams.
New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1995. 166-81.
- - -. “Rewriting History: The plays of the 1980s.” The Art of Brian Friel. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1995.
Boltwood, Scott. “Plays 1980-1993: The North.” Brian Friel, Ireland, and The North. New York: Cambridge UP., 2007.
Corbett, Tony. Decoding the language of the tribe. Dublin: Liffey Press. 2002.
Coult, Tony. About Friel : the playwright and the work. London : Faber, 2006.
Declan Kiberd. Inventing Ireland. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1996.
Duncan, Dawn. “Brian Friel: a Call to Questions.” Postcolonial theory in Irish Drama from 1800-2000. Lewiston: Edwin Mellen Press, 2004. Vol. 2 of Studies in Irish Literature. 15 vols. To date. 1999-.
Friel, Brian. Brian Friel in conversation. Ed. Paul Delaney. Ann Arbor: U of Michigan P., 2000.
Grant, David. The stagecraft of Brian Friel. London: Greenwich Exchange, 2004. Print.
Grene, Nicholas. “Stage Interpreters.” The politics of Irish drama. New York: Cambridge UP., 1999.
Holstein, Suzy Clarkson. “Carrying across into Silence: Brian Friel’s Translations.” The Journal of the Midwest Modern Language Association 37. 2 ( 2004): 1-10. JSTOR. Web. 26 Dec. 2009.
Kearney, Richard. “Friel and the Politics of Language Play.” The Massachusetts Review 28. 3 (1987): 510-515. JSTOR. Web. 5 Jan. 2010.
Lojek, Helen. “Brian Friel’s Plays and George Steiner’s Linguistics: Translating the Irish.” Contemporary Literature 35. 1 (1994): 83-99. JSTOR. Web. 26 Dec. 2009.
Maxwell, D. E. S. “The honour of naming: Samuel Beckett and Brian Friel.” A critical history of modern Irish drama 1890-1980. New York: Cambridge UP., 1984.
McDonald, Marianne. “Violent Words: Brian Friel’s Living Quarters: After Hippolytus.” Arion, Third Series 6. 1 (1998): 35-47. JSTOR. Web. 5 Jan. 2010.
McGrath, Francis.C. Brian Friel's (post) colonial drama: language, illusion, and politics.NY: Syracuse U. P. , 1999.
Murray, Christopher. “Palimpsest: Two Languages as One in Translations.” Brian Friel’s Dramatic Artistry: ‘The Work Has Value’. Ed. Csilla Bertha, Donald E. Morse, and Mária Kurdi. Dublin: Carysfort Press, 2006. 93-108.
Onkey, Lauren. “The Woman as Nation in Brian Friel’s Translations.” Brian Friel: a Casebook. Ed. William Kerwin. New York: Garland, 1997. 159-74.
Peacock, Alan, ed. The Achievement of Brian Friel. Gerrards Cross: Colin Smythe, 1993.
Pelletier, Martine. “Translations, the Field Day Debate and the Re-Imaging of Irish Identity.” The Cambridge Companion to Brian Friel. Ed. Anthony Roche. Cambridge, Cambridge UP, 2006. 66-77. 
Pilny, Ondrej. “Mythologies of Fantasies and Hope.” Irony & Identity in Modern Irish Drama. Prague: Litteraria Pragensia, 2006.
Pratt, William. “Brian Friel’s Imaginary Journeys to Nowhere.” World Literature Today 73.3 (1999): 445-450. JSTOR. Web. 26Dec.2009.
Pine, Richard. “Language and Identity.” Brian Friel and Ireland’s Drama. London: Routledge, 1990. 163-77.
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