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Thomas  Kinsella
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¡@ Badin, Donatella Abbate. Thomas Kinsella. New York:Twayne, 1996.
Bedient, Calvin, Eight Contemporary Poets, Oxford University Press,
Haffenden, John. "Thomas Kinsella." Viewpoints: Poets in Conversation with John Haffenden. London: Faber and Faber, 1981. 100-13.
John, Brian. "Imaginative Bedrock: Kinsella's One and The Lebor Gabala Erenn." Eire Ireland 20.1 (1985): 109-32.
O'Hara, Daniel. "An Interview with Thomas Kinsella." Contemporary Poetry: A Journal of Criticism. 4.1(1981): 1-18.
Orr, Peter. "Thomas Kinsella." The Poet Speaks: Interview with Contemporary Poets. London: Routledge, 1966. 105-9.
"Thomas Kinsella." Contemporary Authors Online. Gales, 2000.
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 Criticism (in Books & Periodicals)

Badin, Donatella Abbate. "A Tool for Eliciting Order from Experience: The Poetry of Thomas Kinsella." Politics and the Rhetoric of Poetry: Perspectives on Modern Anglo-Irish Poetry. Ed. Tjebbe. A. Westemdrop. and Jane Mallinson. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1995. 161-71.

---. "An Interview with Thomas Kinsella." Irish University Review. 31.1(2001): 113-5. Rpt of European English Messenger 3.1 (1999): 38-43.
Dawe, Gerlad. "An Absence of Influence: Three Modernist Poets." Tradition and Influence in Anglo-Irish Poetry. Ed. Terence Brown and Nicholas Grene. Basingstoke, Hampshire : Macmillan, 1988. 119-42.
Flanagan, Ian. " 'Tissues of Order': Kinsella and the Enlightenment Ethos." Irish University
Review. 31.1(2001): 54-77.
Garratt, Robert F. " 'Non Serviam': James Joyce and Modern Irish Poetry. " Modern Irish
Poetry: Tradition & Continuity from Yeats to Heaney. Berkeley: U of California P, 1986. 78-102.
---. "Poetry at Mid-Century I: Thomas Kinsella." Modern Irish Poetry: Tradition & Continuity from Yeats to Heaney. Berkeley: U of California P, 1986. 167-97.
---. "Fragilities and Structures: Poetic Strategy in Thomas Kinsella's "Nightwalker" and
"Phoenix Park." Irish University Review. 13.1(1983): 88-102.
Harmon, Maurice. The Poetry of Thomas Kinsella:' With Darkness for a Nest.' Atlantic Highlands,New Jersey: Humanities P, 1975.

Jackson, Thomas. The Whole Matters: The Poetic Evolution of Thomas Kinsella. Syracuse: Syracuse UP, 1995.
John, Brian. Reading the Ground: The Poetry of Thomas Kinsella. Washington, DC: Catholic U of America P, 1996.
Johnston, Dillon. "The Irish Poet & His Society: 1941-1985." Irish Poetry After Joyce. Syracuse: Syracuse UP, 1997. 1-73
---. "Clarke & Kinsella." Irish Poetry After Joyce. 74-120.
Kellogg, David. "Kinsella, Geography, History." The South Atlantic Quarterly.
95(1996): 145-70.
Matthews, Steven. "Introduction: Making History." Irish Poetry: Politics, History, Negotiation: The Evolving Debate, 1969 to the Present. New York: St. Martin's P, 1997. 1-44.
---. "Thomas Kinsella's Poetic of Unease." Irish Poetry: Politics, History, Negotiation: The Evolving Debate, 1969 to the Present. 74-103.
Ni Anluain, Cliodhna, ed. "Thomas Kinsella." Reading the Future: Irish Writers in Conversation with Mike Murphy. Dublin: Lilliput, 2000. 99-117.
Skloot, Floyd. "The Evolving Poetry of Thomas Kinsella." New England Review (Middlebury Series) 18.4 (1997): 174-86.
Tubridy, Derval. " Difficult Migrations: The Dinnsenachas of Thomas Kinsella's Later Poetry." Irish University Review: A Journal of Irish Studies. 31 (2001): 172-86.
---. " Elegiac Concerns: "Butcher's Dozen'." Thomas Kinsella: The Peppercanister Poems. Dublin: U.C.D. Press, 2001. 13-24.
---. "Historical Particulars: 'St. Catherine's Clock.' " Thomas Kinsella: The Peppercanister Poems.154-65

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