¥@¬É­^¤å¤å¾Ç­º­¶   /   Medieval Period ¤¤¥@¬ö  /  §@®a  /  Dionne  Brand  ¥¬Äõ¼w  /  °Ñ¦Ò¸ê®Æ  /  ¬ã¨s®Ñ¥Ø Bibliography
Dionne  Brand
¸ê®Æ´£¨ÑªÌ¡GDr. Kate Liu (¼B¬ö¶²)


Birbalsingh, Frank, ed.  Frontiers of Caribbean Literature in English.  London: Macmillan, 1996.

Hutcheon, Linda, & Marion Richmond, eds. Other Solitudes: Canadian Multicultural Fictions.  Toronto: Oxford UP, 1990.

Silvera, Makeda.  “An interview with Dionne Brand: In the company of my work.”  The Other Woman: Women of Colour in Contemporary Canadian Literature.  Ed. Makeda Silvera.  Toronto: Black Women and Women of Colour P, 1995: 356-81.

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