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Spring Is like a Perhaps Hand
作者Author  /  Edward Estlin  Cummings  艾德華.艾斯特林.康明斯

Spring ls like a Perhaps Hand

Spring is like a perhaps hand  
(which comes carefully   
out of Nowher) arranging   
a window, into which people look ( while   
people stare 5 
arranging and changing placing   
carefully there a strange   
thing and a known thing here) and 

changing everything carefully


spring is like a perhaps 
Hand in a window  
(carefully to  
and fro moving New and  
Old things, while  
people stare carefully 15
moving a perhaps  
fraction of flower here placing  
an inch of air there) and (16-18)

without  breaking anything.

Word& Phrase
1. perhaps: 或許; 可能。原為副詞,此處作形容詞用,有微妙、神秘、似有似無的含意。春天被比喻成「一隻或許的手」是因為春回大地,萬眾在不知不覺中更新,猶如一隻神秘而似有似無的手,小心翼翼的佈置櫥窗 (show window) 。[back]
3. out of Nowhere: 不知從何而來。Nowhere一字用大寫開始,以強調大自然的神秘。春天不知從何而來,正如觀者只見一隻手從櫥窗後伸入窗內佈置一切,而不見窗後的人一樣。[back]
5. stare:  凝視。stare後即未再用字,從每行應佔的時間來看,令人有凝視良久之感。[back]
9. changing everything carefully:  這三字自成一行,而且前後各空一行,由此可以顯出這三個字的重要性。春天有如佈置櫥窗的手,小心謹慎,改變一切。[back]
12-13. to and fro: 來來回回地。[back]
13-14. New and Old things: NewOld二字皆以大寫開始,旨在強調手在櫥窗內新舊的事物一起更動。[back]
16-18.   意指春在不知不覺中,點點滴滴的改變大地,所以說在此處移上一點似有似無的()花,在彼處置上一吋(春的)氣息。fraction,微量; 部份。air,氣息。[back]
19. without breaking anything 和第九行一樣,此三字自成一行,旨在強調春天(如櫥窗中的手)沒有破壞任何東西。[back]
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