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My Father Moved Through Dooms of Love
作者Author  /  Edward Estlin  Cummings  艾德華.艾斯特林.康明斯

My Father Moved Through Dooms of Love

my father moved through dooms of love (Summary1-6)
through sames of am through haves of give,  
singing each morning out of each night  
my father moved through depths of height  

this motionless forgetful where

turned at his glance to shining here;  
that if (so timid air is firm) (Summary 7-8)
under his eyes would stir and squirm

newly as from unburied which

(Summary 9-12)
floats the first who, his april touch 10
drove sleeping selves to swarm their fates  
woke dreamers to their ghostly roots  

and should some why completely weep

(Summary 13-16)
my father's fingers brought her sleep:  
vainly no smallest voice might cry 15
for he could feel the mountains grow.  

Lifting the valleys of the sea

(Summary 17-20)
my father moved through griefs of joy;  
Praising a forehead called the moon  
singing desire into begin 20

joy was his song and joy so pure

(Summary 21-24)
a heart of star by him could steer  
and pure so now and now so yes  
the wrists of twilight would rejoice  

keen as midsummer's keen beyond

25 (Summary 25-28)
conceiving mind of sun will stand   
so strictly (over utmost him  
so hugely) stood my father's dream  

his flesh was flesh his blood was blood:

(Summary 29-32)
no hungry man but wished him food; 30
no crippIe wouldn't creep one mile  
uphill to only see him smile.  

Scorning the pomp of must and shall

(Summary 33-36)
my father move through dooms of feel;  
his anger was as right as rain 35
hls pity was as green as grain  

septembering arms of year extend

(Summary 37-40)
less humbly wealth to foe and friend  
than he to foolish and to wise  
offered immeasurable is 40

proudly and (by octobering flame

(Summary 41-44)
beckoned) as earth will downward climb,  
so naked for immortal work  
his shoulders marched against the dark  

his sorrow was as true as bread:

45(Summary 45-48)
no liar looked him in the head  
if every friend became his foe  
he'd laugh and build a world with snow  

My father moved through theys of we,

(Summary 49-52)
singing each new leaf out of each tree 50
(and every child was sure that spring  
daned when she heard my father sing  

then let men kill which cannot share,

(Summary 53-56)
let blood and flesh be mud and mire,  
scheming imagine, passion willed, 55
freedom a drug that's bought and sold  

giving to steal and cruel kind,

(Summary 57-60)
a heart to fear, to doubt a mind,  
to differ a disease of same,  
conform the pinnacle of am 60

though dull were all we taste as

(Summary 61-64)
bitter all utterly things sweet,  
maggoty minus and dumb death  
all we inherit, all bequeath  

and nothing quite so least as truth

65 (Summary 65-68)
i say though hate were why men breathe  
because my father lived his soul  
love is the whole and more than all  
1.   my father: 我父,指啟蒙者或精神領導者。
moved through: =behaved according to 照著. . . 去作。
dooms of love: 愛人的法則。doom=law, rule 法則,道理。[back]
2.  sames of am: 跟本性相符,即不矯揉造作,不違反本性sames,相符;am 指本性。
haves of give: 把自己的東西給別人。haves指自己擁有之物;give 給予他人。[back]
3.  singing each morning our of each night =singing from (each) morning till (each) night從早唱到晚。out of=through [back]
4.  depths of height: (情感的)高峰處;指我父能表達強烈的情感。[back]
5.   motionless: 不動的 (呆滯而不知及時行樂)。
forgetful: 遺忘的。
where: (作名詞用)指不確定的時空。[back]
6.  turned . . . to 變成。
shining here: 燦爛光輝的此時此刻。本行的 here不限於指地點,亦含時間之意味。[back]
7.  if: (作名詞用)指有條件的接受人生。
timid air: 膽怯的態度;猶豫的神色。[back]
8. under his eyes: =under his examination在他的檢視之下。
stir and squirm: 引起騷動,生氣蓬勃。stir惹動。squuirm騷動。[back]
9.  newly: 新近。
unburied 被挖出,復甦。
which (作名詞用)不確定,沒有決斷,只非依本性生活者。[back]
10.  the first who: 新生者。由死復生者。
his april touch: 像春神般的點觸,賦予新生。his= my father's ; april 代表春天。[back]
11.  sleep selves: 沈睡的人們,即那些毫無生氣的,像行屍走肉的人們。
swarm their fates: 啟發,喚醒這些(毫無生氣的)人們,使他們自己去創造自己的命運。[back]
12. ghostly roots: 靈魂的根底 (ghostly=spirtual)。[back]
13.  why: (作名詞用) (對神秘的人生表露)質疑。
weep: (失敗或沮喪時的)悲泣。[back]
14. her: 指上一行的why。[back]
15. vainly: =proudly自負地;指我父自認十分的有把握,不使稍受挫折的人抱怨或悲號。[back]
16. feel the mountain grow: 感覺山的增長。連山的增長那麼細微都能察覺,喻能感觸別人極細微的痛苦。[back]
17. valleys: 深谷;指失意,沮喪時,就像掉進深谷中一樣。[back]
18. griefs of joy: 從悲傷中領悟喜悅 (這種喜悅才顯得深刻)。[back]
19.  forehead: 前額。
the moon: 月亮。Cummings的詩中,常以 sun指意識界,以 moon指潛意識界。forehead called the moon 指月亮明耀的部分,就像露出的前額一樣 (其他尚有遮隱不見者,是為黑暗面),喻人生的光明面。[back]
20.  desire: (潛意識的) 需欲。
begin: (作名詞用) 開始。[back]
22. a heart of star: 像星星一般的心,只富於理想,詩意充溢,情感滿盈的心。[back]
24. wrists of twilight: 微微露出的手腕,有如溺者將沈,伸手救援時,急切的樣子。[back]
25. keen: 強烈的。
as midsummer's keen: 像仲夏的陽光那麼強烈,喻豐富而充溢的生活。[back]
26. conceiving: (現在分詞) 醞納的。
mind of sun: 指意識;理性。參閱19註釋。
beyond...stand: 超過所能忍受的範圍。[back]
27. strictly: 全然,斷然。[back]
30. not . . . but: 沒有不;全部。[back]
33. Scorning: (現在分詞) 瞧不起。
pomp: 炫耀。
must: (作名詞用) 規則。
shall: (作名詞用) 表對未來的不確定。[back]
34. dooms of feel: 照著感情做事 (富人情味)。[back]
35. as right as rain: 像及時雨那樣恰適,即該憤怒時才憤怒,故其憤怒為自然之憤怒。right 得當的。[back]
36. as green as grain: 像穀物一樣青蔥,指對他人的同情,有如青蔥的穀物那樣自然。green 青蔥的。[back]
37. septembering arms of year: 一年中第九個月的手臂。九月間,長滿了水果的樹枝有如伸出的手臂,給人以豐碩的果實。[back]
38. humbly: 謙恭的。[back]
39.   he: 指我父。
foolish: 愚者 (=the foolish)。
wise: 智者(=the wise)。[back]
40.  immeasurable: 不可稱量的。
is: (當名詞用) 只當前充實的人生 (=full existence of the present)。[back]
41. proudly: 傲然。
octobering: 十月的。octobering flame十月的火焰,指十月那似火般的紅葉而言。[back]
42.  beckened: (死神) 招手。
downward climb: 往下爬,只人死埋入地底。[back]
43.  naked: 赤裸的。
immoral work: 不朽的功業。[back]
44.  marched against: 抗拒。
dark: 黑暗,指「死亡」。[back]
他有每日的憂愁 (他的憂愁就像麵包一樣那麼真切),說謊的人在他面前也會自慚形穢。如果朋友都變成敵人的話,他就一笑置之,孤芳自賞。[back]
45. bread: 指每天吃的食物。as true as bread像麵包那麼真實,即每天都有的。[back]
48. build a world of snow: 建造一個「雪的世界」,指冰冷,沒有朋友的世界。[back]
49.  theys: 他們;指跟別人脫離關係。
we: 我們;指跟別人連絡、交往。[back]
50.  new leaf:she: 新葉,轉指「新生」。指上一行的 spring。[back]
52.  she: 指上一行的 spring。[back]
53. cannot share: 不能(跟別人)共享。[back]
55.  scheming imagine: =let imagination be reduced to scheming, 讓想像力變成詭詐的念頭。
passion willed: =let passion be willed, 讓情慾發揮力量。[back]
56. freedom a drug: =let freedom be a drug, 讓自由變成毒品。[back]
57.  giving to steal: =let giving (be ) given way to steal, 或 giving submitted to steal, 施與被竊奪取代。
cruel mind: 這兩個字照理應作 kind cruel (= kind given way to cruelty), 但為了跟下一行的 mind押韻起見,故顛倒其字序。 [back]
58. to doubt a mind: =a mind given way to doubt. [back]
59. to differ a disease of same: =a disease of same given way to differ. [back]
60. conform the pinnacle of am: =let conform be the pinnacle of am. pinnacle,頂點 ,極致; am,自我為中心。[back]
即使我們拙於明辨光明 ,把甜蜜的嚐成苦的 ,狂想變成空想,不知過問死亡 ; 但這一切 ,我們還是要全部繼承 ,前人全部遺贈給後人。[back]
61. though: 即使 (=even though)。[back]
62. bitter all utterly things sweet: =though utterly bitter were all sweet things=though all
sweet things were utterly bitter.
63.  maggoty: 狂想的。
dumb: 沈默的。有默然成空之意。[back]
64.  inherit: 繼承。
bequeath: 遺贈。[back]
65. nothing . . . least: 沒有一樣最不 . . . .;nothingleast兩者皆是否定語,亦即「最為」之意。[back]
68. love is the whole and more than all:
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