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Next to of Course God America I
作者Author  /  Edward Estlin  Cummings  艾德華.艾斯特林.康明斯
"Next to of Course God America I

"Next to of Course God America I

"next to of course god america i  
love you land of the pilgrims' and so forth oh (1-2)
say can you see by the dawn's early my  
country 'tis of centuries come and go (3-4) 
nd are no more what of it we should worry 5
in every language even deafanddumb  
thy sons acclaim your glorious name by gorry  
by jingo by gee by gosh by gum  
why talk of beauty what  could be more beautiful  
 than these heroic happy dead 10
who rushed like lions to the roaring slaughter  
they did not stop to think they died instead (10-12)
then shall the voice of liberty be mute?"  

He spoke. And drank rapidly a glass of water
Word & Phrase
1-2. 第一、二行若加上幾個標點符號就較易看明白:
Next to, of course, god, america i love you, land of the pilgrims', and so forth, oh. 當然,除了上帝而外,我就愛你啦,美國"land of the pilgrlms" 幾字是從 America歌中引出來的。pilgrims'後缺"pride"這個字。原歌詞為:
My country 'tis of thee, Sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing, Land where my father died, Land of the pilgrim's pride! From ev'ry mountain side, Let freedom ring! [back]
3. 整行除了最後一個 my字而外,皆取自 "The Star-Spangled  Banner"第一行:O say can you see, by the dawn's early light
妙的是,把原句頭尾兩字 (0, light)取消,令人有無頭無尾的感覺。[back]
3-4. my / country 'tis of取自"America"第一句 My County'tis of thee,把最後的"thee"字取消,以"centuries"代之,弄得面目全非。[back]
5. . . . what of it we
should worry:
6. in every language even deafanddumb: 用任何一種語言,連盲啞之人的語言也算在內。這裡分明是在挖苦人; 盲啞之人那有語言。[back]

by gorry:

by jingo: 誓必; 一定為一非正式驚嘆語,用來強調事物之重要性。
by gee: gee Jesus之轉語,為一加強語氣的感嘆詞。
by gosh: gosh God 之轉語,為一驚嘆詞。
by gum: gum亦為 God 之轉語。這些都是不太入耳的粗俗話。[back]
10-12.   何必談美呢!那有比那些英勇之士,赴湯蹈火,視死如歸者更美呢?[back]
13. the voice of liberty: 又在引用"America"中之詞句: Sweet land of liberty. Author of liberty. [back]
14. he spoke. And drank . . . water 說完。想必口乾舌燥,於是喝了一杯水。一副令人發噱的樣子。[back]
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