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Canto LXII
作者Author  /  Ezra  Pound  艾滋若.龐德

Canto LXII

'Acquit of evil intention
      or inclination to perseverance in error'
to correct it with cheerfulness
      particularly as to the motives of actions  
of the great nations of Europe.' 5 (1-5)
         for the planting
and ruling and ordering of New England  
from latitude 40°to 48° (6-8)
         whereon Thomas Adams 10
         19th March 1628 (10-11)
18th assistant whereof the said Thomas Adams (10-12)
Merry Mount become Braintree, a plantation near Weston's
Capn wollanston's became Merrymount. 15
     ten head 40 acres at 3 / (shillings) per acre
who lasted 6 years, brewing commenced by the first Henry
     continued by Joseph Adams, his son  
at decease left a malting establishment. (17-19)
Born 1735; 19th Oct. old style; 30th new style John Adams 20
its emolument gave but a bare scanty subsistence.
'Passion of orthodoxy in fear, Calvinism has no other agent
study of theology
      wd / involve me in endless altercation
to no purpose, of no design and do no good to 25 (23-25)
any man whatsoever . . .
not less of order than liberty . . .
      Burke, Gibbon, beautifiers of figures . . .
middle path, resource of second-rate statesmen . . .
produced not in Britain:
30 (22-30)
tax falls on the colonists.
      Lord North, purblind to the rights of a
continent, eye on a few London merchants. . .
no longer saw redcoat
as brother or as a protector (35-36)
(Boston about the size of Rapallo)
      scarce 16,000,
         habits of freedom now formed
even among those who scarcely got so far as analysis 40
so about 9 o'c in the morning Lard Narf wuz bein' impassible
was a light fall of snow in Bastun, in King St.
and the 29th Styschire in Brattle St.
Murray's barracks, and in this case was a
      barber's boy ragging the sentinel 45 (44-45)
so Capn Preston etc/  
lower order with billets of wood and 'just roving'
force in fact of a right sez Chawles Fwancis (47-48)
      at same time, and in Louses of Parleymoot . . .
so fatal a precision of aim, 50
sojers aiming??
Gent standing in his doorway got 2balls in the arm
and five deaders 'never Cadmus . . .'etc
          was more pregnant (53-54)
patriots need legal advisor 55
      measures involvin' pro-fessional knowledge
BE IT ENACTED / guv-nor council an' house of assembly
      (Blaydon objectin' to form ov these doggymints)
Encourage arts commerce an' farmin'
not suggest anything on my own 60
      if ever abandoned by administration of England
      and outrage of the soldiery
the bonds of affection be broken
till then let us try cases by law IF by
      snowballs oystershells cinders 65
      was provocation  
      reply was then manslaughter only (64-67)
in consideration of endocrine human emotions
unuprootable, that is, human emotions- (68-69)
      merely manslaughter 70
      brand'em in hand  
but not hang'em being mere human blighters (70-72)
         common men like the rest of us
         subjekk to  
75 (73-75)
law not bent to wanton imagination
and temper of individuals
mens sine affectu
      that law rules
      that it be 80
         sine affectu in 1770, Bastun. (79-81)
Bad law is the worst sort of tyranny. Burke
disputed right to seize lands of the heathen  
and give it to any king, if we were feudatory (82-84)
parliaments has no control over us 85
         We are merely
Under the monarch  
allegiance is to the king's natural person'The Spensers' (84-88)
said Coke, hatched treason denying this  
allegiance follows natural, not politic person 90 (88-90)
are we mere slaves of some other people?
         Mercantile temper of Britain
constitution . . .without appeal to higher powers unwritten (92-93)
VOTED 92 to 8 against Oliver
      i.e. against King's pay for the judges instead of 95
          having the wigs paid by the colony (95-96)
          no jurors wd / serve
These are the stones of foundation
J. A. 's reply to the Governor (98-99)
Impeachment of Oliver 100
These stones we built on
1-5 'Acquit . . . Europe.'1628年英國政府授權予「新英格蘭公司」(New England Company),開墾新英格蘭緯度40°48° 間的土地。這段文字是由「皇家專利權狀」上引錄下來的,大意為「意願糾正罪惡的動機或屢犯錯誤的趨勢,尤其是針對歐洲各大國所作所為動機而言。」其本意在表明英國拓殖美洲的用心與其他歐洲各國不同,但實際上卻是同樣以剝削為目的,從而導致了日後美國爭取獨立。[back]
1 Acquit of:free from;免除…的罪名;宣告無罪。evil intention:罪惡的動機。[back]
2 perseverance in error:錯誤的一犯再犯,錯誤的堅持。此行緊接著上行祈使語句的動詞及介系詞,應該是Acquit of inclination to perseverance in error. [back]
3 it:evil intentioninclination to perseverance in error.with cheerfulness:心甘情願地。[back]
6-8 for the . . . 40°to 48°:為新英格蘭40°48°間土地的開墾,統治及命令而定。[back]
9 TO THE GOVERNOR AND THE COMPANIE:致省長及該公司。指新英格蘭公司。新殖民地是由一名省長及十八名助理所統治的。companie: company. [back]
10 whereon:在此公文中。[back]
10-11 whereon . . . 1628:此公文中記載Thomas Adams1628年三月十九日抵達美洲。[back]
12 whereof:該公司的。此行大意為此Thomas Adams即該公司的十八名助理。[back]
10-12 Thomas Adams:並非John Adams的祖先,而是記載上最早到美洲的亞當斯氏。John Adams在美洲最早的祖先是1636年抵達 BostonHenry Adams. [back]
13 Abbreviated:Thomas在此公文中縮寫成Th.有關殖民地開創的資料到第十三行結束。以下是其發展的過程。John Adams日後在此殖民地出生。
Merry Mount:本非清教徒的殖民地,由Captain Wollaston所建立,(Pound Wollaston誤併成Wollanstion)在清教徒殖民地附近,後來被BostonPlymouth Separatists教徒所佔據。地名先改為Braintree,後又更為Quincy。1735John Adams於此地出生。[back]
14 A plantation near Weston's:Weston是一名倫敦商人,在新英格蘭公司南方建立了一個殖民地,就在Merry Mount殖民地的附近。[back]
16 ten head40acres at 3 / (shillings) per acre:Adams一族最初的產業,包括10頭牛及40畝地,每畝以3先令買進。("/"的記號代表先令)。[back]
17-19 Who lasted 6years:農場維持了六年。之後Henry Adams (John Adams在美洲的第一位祖先)建立了一個釀酒廠。Henry的兒子Joseph Adams死時(at decease) 留下一個麥芽釀製廠(a malting establishment)。[back]
20 Born 1735; 19th Oct. old style; 30th new style John Adams:以上是John Adams的出生年月日。1752年英國把舊曆Julian Calendar凱撤大帝曆改為新曆(Gregorian Calendar,由教皇Gregory XIII1582年修訂而成,即今西方各國通行的歷法)。 John Adams出生於1735年,照舊曆算是十月十九日,即新曆的十月卅日,兩者差了十一天。John Adams生於乾隆登基前一年。中國詩章到乾隆登基為止。John Adams深受歐洲啟蒙運動(enlightenment)影響,而啟蒙運動又與中國儒家思想頗有淵源。在Pound心目中,Adams的主張與中國最上乘的政治思想相吻合,可說是儒家思想在西方的再現。[back]
21 its emolument:麥芽調製廠所得的利益。[back]
21 a bare scanty subsistence:勉強可以維持生計。
22-30 'Passion of . . . second-rate statesmen . . 這些片斷皆摘錄自John Adams的信件,表現出他對宗教(清教徒的Calvanism)及對政治的見解。[back]
22 Passion of orthodoxy is fear, Calvinism has no other agent:宗教的熱誠是由敬畏神明(fear)而產生的,卡爾文教派 (Calvanism)也不例外。Calvinism has . . . agent = Calvinism has no other agent than fear. [back]
24 Wd / : would. [back]
24 Endless altercation:無休止的爭論。
23-25 study of theology . . . any man whatsoever:當時教派分歧,眾說紛云。Adams認為研究神學(theology)徒然被牽連入這些無盡的紛爭,毫無意義,對任何人都沒有益處。[back]
27 not less of order than liberty:即建立國家,orderliberty一樣重要。見此可以體會到法國大革命為了爭取自由而失去了秩序,,不能算是成功。此行與64行息息相關,指美洲雖要爭取獨立自由,仍要尊重法律,維持秩序。[back]
28 Burk, Edmund:英國國會議員(1729-1797),長於演說。 Gibbon, Edward:英國歷史學家(1737-1794),The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire的作家。 Beautifiers of figures :BurkeGibbon兩人都善用瑰麗的詞藻,愛用譬喻(figures of speech),John Adams則是一個實事求是的人。[back]
29 Middle path, resource of second-rate statesmen . . . :主張中間派(middle path) 的人是二流的政治家,意謂好的政治家應該立場分明,不做騎牆派。[back]
31 tcha:茶的中文發音。茶:英國把中國生產的茶賣到新英格蘭並課以重稅,促成了反剝削的Boston Tea Party事件。一群美洲商須袖化裝成印地安人,把英國運來的一船茶全部投入Boston海灣裡,美洲人自此體會到獨力的必要。Pound此處用中文,藉以將中國詩章及美國詩章連貫起來。[back]
32 colonists:殖民地人民。[back]
33 Lord North:Frederick North, (1732-1792),英王George III的首相,主張加強對殖民地的控制,並課以茶稅。purblind:半盲的,近視的。指Lord North無視於殖民地人民的權利。殖民地人民在英國國會沒有代表權,卻要付稅。[back]
34 eye on a few London merchants:只顧到少數倫敦商人的利益。[back]
35-36 No longer . . . as a protector:redcoat指英國部隊。英軍制服為紅上裝白窄褲。英軍最初在美洲殖民地的目的是保衛殖民地人民抵抗印地安人及法國人,現在則變為鎮壓殖民地的武力,迫使美洲人民接受印花稅法案(the Stamp Act)及茶稅。此句言殖民地人民已不再視英軍為兄弟或保護者。[back]
37 Boston about the size of Rapallo:Boston的面積與Rapallo相當,Rapallo是義大利西北部的一個小鎮,即Pound寫作美國詩章的地方。[back]
38 scarce 16,000:不到一萬六千人。[back]
39 habits of freedom now formed:殖民地的人民已慣於享有自由。[back]
40 even among . . . as analysis:即使教育程度極低的百姓,雖缺乏分析的能力,也覺得自由可貴。[back]
41 Lard Narf wuz bein' impassible:Boston口音,即Lord North was being impossible. 殖民地人民向英國政府陳情要求免稅,但Lord North不予理會。此行開始敘述波士頓屠殺(the Boston Massacre)之經過。英國派有兩個軍團來鎮壓殖民地。 1770 年三月五日英軍的一名哨兵在King Street (現在的State St.)值勤時,受到群眾撩撥,招來一班士兵支援,射殺了四個人。9o'c = 9 o'clock. [back]
42 Bastun:Boston。五日當天早上九點左右,Boston正下著小雪(a light fall of snow). [back]
43 the 29th Styschire in Brattle St. Murray's barracks:the 29th StyschireBoston兩個軍團之一的名字,此軍團駐紮在Brattle St.Murray營房。[back]
44-45 A baker's boy ragging the sentinel:一個麵包店的小廝譏嘲著那名哨兵,暴亂由此開始。ragging:嘲笑。Capn Preston etc/:Captain Preston(of the 29th Styschire)及其他牽涉到這次事件的人。[back]
47 Lower order with billets of wood:指涉嫌的英軍階級較低,住在木製的營房裡。[back]
47-48 and just roving force in fact of a right:只有一小隊軍人在街上巡邏。[back]
48 sez Chawles Fwancis: says Charles Francis Adams (1807-1886). 此人為一名外交家,是美國第六任總統John Quincy Adams之子。[back]
49 at same time, and in Louses of Parleymoot:在事件發生的同時,英國國會正在討論殖民地的問題。PoundHouses戲寫成Louses(蝨子)。ParleymootParliament,Pound的文字遊戲。Parley的意思是「討論」或「說」moot 意為「懸而未決的問題」。[back]
50-51 so fatal a precision of aim, sojers aiming??精確而致命的瞄準,造成日後諾大的風波,實在令人不敢相信他們只是一般士兵而已。此行與53'never Cadmus'相呼應。sojers: soldiers. [back]
52 Gent . . . arm:Gent是受害者之一,手臂上中了兩槍。[back]
53-54 five deaders:指致人於死的五名士兵。'never Cadmus . . .'etc:希臘神話中的Phoenician王子殺死惡龍後,將惡龍之毒牙播於地下,旋及從地下冒出無數戰士,自相殘殺,並自稱是civil war,不許Cadmus插手。最後剩下五名士卒,幫助 Cadmus建立了Thebes城。Pound 由肇禍的五名士兵而聯想及Cadmus及其五名士卒。Cadmus的五名士卒在自相殘殺後建立了Thebes城,這肇禍的五名士兵在殺傷同胞後,竟也間接的造成了美國的獨立,其中的蠻寓十分明顯。'never Cadmus . . . 'etc was more pregnant:就是Cadmus那班人也不會比那five deaders更具意義。[back]
55 Patriots need legal advisor:Adams認為這五名士兵奉命執勤,算是愛國者 (patriots),應該接受公平的審判。Boston審判時,Adams自願擔任他們的辯護律師(legal advisor),結果有三名被判無罪,另兩名判手的烙刑。以下敘述Adams如何替他辯護。[back]
56 Measures involvin' professional knowledge:訴訟的程序需要法律上的專門知識。[back]
57 BE IT ENACTED / guv-nor council an' house of assembly:讓美洲由自己的governor councilhouse of assembly來規定法律,而不受英國政府的干涉。[back]
58 Blaydon objectin' to form ov these doggymints;Bladen objecting to the form of these documents. Colonel Martin Bladen (1680-1746),英國Board of Trade and Plantations之一員,一直反對美洲商業獨立的法案。PoundBladen拼為Blaydon,是Boston口音。[back]
59 Encourage arts commerce an' farmin':意指美洲自制法律後,應獎勵文藝,商務及農業。[back]
60 not suggest anything on my own:這些都不是我自作主張,而是民主政體的文獻所載。[back]
61 if ever abandoned by administration of England:如一旦擺脫了英國的統治。[back]
62 and outrage of the soldiery:及擺脫了士醫的壓迫及蹂躪。[back]
63 the bonds of affection be broken:斷絕了英國與美洲間感情的維繫。[back]
64 till then let us try cases by law:到獨立後,讓我們繼續依法辦案。[back]
64-67 If by snowball . . . manslaughter only:暴民以雪球,牡蠣殼及煤渣向他們投擲,刺激他們,引起殺人的行為,因此只能說是過失殺人(manslaughter),而不算預謀殺人(murder)Provocation;激怒。[back]
68-69 in consideration . . . human emotions:這些士兵情有可原,因人的情緒由內分泌(endocrine)所控制,他們也不過是凡人,行為受情緒所主宰。 unuprootable:根深蒂固的。[back]
70-72 merely . . . mere human blighters:不算是蓄意謀殺,因此只是處手的烙刑(brand 'em in hand)而不處較(but not hang 'em)。他們只是犯了過錯的常人罷了。 blighters:(俚語)傢伙。[back]
73-75 common man . . . passions:他們和我們一樣是普通人受到情緒的支配。subjekk to: subject to:受…的支配。[back]
76-77 law not bent . . . temper of individuals:法律不應受Boston暴民的情緒所左右,及個人心情的影響。[back]
78 Mens sine affectu:直譯成英文是"mind without passion."大意是"the law represents the mind freed of emotional reaction"法律代表不受感情抭制的心智。[back]
79-81 that law rules that it be sine affectu in 1770, Bastun: 1770Boston的這次案件,正是法律公正裁決,不受情感支配之一例。[back]
82 Bad law is the worst sort of tyranny:惡法乃是最嚴酷的暴政。[back]
82-84 Burke disputed right to seize lands of the heathen and give it to and king:Edmund Burke(1729-1797)是英國國會議員,反對歐洲各國的殖民主義,把從異族 (heathen)得來的土地獻給各國君主。[back]
84-88 If we be feudatory . . . the King's natural person:如果美洲與英國間只是封建 (feudatory)的關係,那麼美洲便不應受國會的管制,只須對英王效忠。 allegiance;效忠。[back]
88-90 'The Spensers' . . . not politic person:Hugh le Despenser父子同名,十四世紀時因支持英王Edward III被處死。他們主張封建地主應向國王效忠(follows natural person)而不是對少數操縱政治的(politic person)效忠。Edward Coke (1552-1634),是一位法學家,與Francis Bacon敵對。他認為Despenser父子存心叛國(hatched treason)[back]
91 are we mere slaves of some other people?如果我們不是效忠英王,而是效忠英國國會,而英國國會是英國人民的代表,那麼我們不是成了英國人民的奴隸嗎?[back]
92-93 Mercantile temper of Britain constitution:英國憲法以商業為重。Mercantile temper:商業的氣息。[back]
93 without appeal to higher powers unwritten:無法向道德的力量上訴。higher powers unwritten:較有力的不成文力量,指道德。[back]
94 VOTED 92 to 8 against Oliver:OliverMassachusetts殖民地的法官,因接受英王的薪俸而受到彈劾。以928票敗訴。[back]
95-96 i.e. . . . by the colony:反對法官由英王,而不由殖民地支薪。 wigs:法官所戴的假髮,這裡代表法官。[back]
97 no jurors wd/ serve:Massachusetts的所有陪審團均拒絕在Oliver手下做事。(no jurors would serve under Oliver).[back]
98-99 These are . . . to the Governor:John Adams在回覆Massachusetts州州長的信上說,美洲人民彈劾Oliver的這 一類行為,可以做為美國的立國精神。[back]
100 Impeachment:彈劾。[back]
101 These stones we built on:我們立國的基石。[back]
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