¬ü°ê¤å¾Ç­º­¶   /   The 20th Century -- First Half ¤G¤Q¥@¬ö -- «e¥b  /  §@®a  /  Ezra  Pound  ¦ã´þ­Y¡DÃe¼w  /  °Ñ¦Ò¸ê®Æ  /  ¬ã¨s®Ñ¥Ø Bibliography
Ezra  Pound
¸ê®Æ´£¨ÑªÌ¡GFr.Pierre Demer/½Í¼w¸q¯«¤÷


(N.B.: Dates do not refer to copyright but to available edition)

Primary Sources
  • A Lume Spento and Other Early Poems (New York, 1965).
  • Personae (New York, 1949)
  • Cathay (London, 1915).
  • Hugh Selwyn Mauberley (London, 1920)
  • Selected Poems (New York,1937)
  • Impact: Essays on Ignorance and the Decline of American Civilization (Chicago, 1960).
  • Selected Cantos of Ezra Pound (New York, 1970)
¡@ Gallup, Donald. A Bibliography of Ezra Pound (London, 1965).


  • Hutchins, Patricia M. Ezra Pound's Kensington (London, 1965)
  • Stock, Noel. The Life of Ezra Pound (New York, 1970).
¡@ Edwards, John H. and William Vasse. Annotated Index to the Cantos of Ezra Pound (Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1957)
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  • Davie, Donald. Ezra Pound: Poetas Sculptor (New York, 1964)
  • Espey, John. Ezra Pound's"Mauberly": a study in composition (Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1974).
  • Kenner, Hugh. The Poetry of Ezra Pound (London, 1951).
  • Stock, Noel. Reading the Cantos: The Study of Meaning in Ezra Pound (New York, 1967)
    Yip, Wai-lim. Ezra Pound's"Cathay"(New Jersy, 1969).
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